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Hurt- Johnny Cash cover



I didn't want to do anything today. This is the worst feeling in the world, honestly I wanted to be killed over and over again and again. Everybody's gone out of the house today, and I'm here home alone. Alone is the best time to do anything. Remington's been trying to get a hold of me all day, he's been saying stuff about an ep called The Ends Beginning. I can tell that he's getting worried, but he can't leave the studio.

Remmy 💋: hey I am worried, why haven't you answered?

Remmy 💋: dusty please answer me, I'm worried.

Remmy 💋: I'm literally on my way now, I don't care what Sebastian says. Be there in an hour, see you soon! Love you!

But what Remington didn't know was I was already up and half down with pills. I can do things to myself very quickly, and I think of it as a bad talent. I couldn't really see anything because my vision was getting shitty. My cuts from a month ago are still there, with some new, deeper, friends. I was beginning to bleed out. This is honestly all I want right now, and when Remington gets here, he won't have a girlfriend anymore to annoy him.



I pull up to dusty's house and run up to the door. I let myself in because it was unlocked. Then I followed the sound of I love you, goodbye up to her room. Her door was also unlocked and I walked in. There is saw my girlfriend, on the floor lifeless. I ran to her and tried to feel for a pulse, but no pulse. I took out my phone and called 911. "911, what's your emergency?" They asked.

"My girlfriend isn't breathing and it looked like she took a whole bottle of pills and cutting. I don't know how long she's been out." My voice was shaky and tears started to fall fast.

"Sir calm down, we will be there soon." The operator told me.

"Thank you" then I hung up.

I held Dusty closer to my chest, crying and kissing her head over and over. I was hoping that she was okay, just last night I showed her I loved her, and she was happy, I am so confused on what took over.


The ambulance soon arrived and they loaded her into the back. I hopped in with her and held her hand tightly, then they started the alarms and drove to the hospital.

When we got to the hospital they took her to the ER. I was held back by nurses, keeping me from going back to her. I waited in the Waiting room and waited for my turn to see her. But I knew I would have to call her mom.


About two hours later, I was aloud to see her. Dusty wasn't awake yet, I took the time to call Ash. "Remington? What's wrong?" Ash asked when she answered.

"Ash, Dusty tried to kill herself. She's in the hospital right now, I was at the studio and it took me an hour just to get here. I didn't know how long she was out, but she's okay now and she isn't awake yet." I answered, trying to hold back tears.

"Rem- thank you. I'll be there soon." Ash said, trying to hold back her tears.

I hung up and grabbed her hand in both of my hands, and I kissed her knuckles. "Please wake up baby girl, I need you do much." I told her.

Her hand started to move in mine, and I looked up at her. Dusty was in tears as she wakes up. "Hey, baby, I'm right here. Don't worry I am right here." I said, standing up and wiping her tears.

"I wanted to be gone." She cried, gripping my shirt tightly.

"Hey, Dusty, I saved you because I wouldn't of been able to live without you." I told her, brushing my hand through her hair.

"You should of let me die!" She yelled at me.

I backed away, "YOU SHOULD OF LET ME KILL MYSELF!" She screamed at me.


Dusty looked at me and I paced around the room, with my hands behind my head. I was frustrated and I hated how I yelled at her. "Remmy...." She quietly said.

"Baby, please don't say that I should of just let her die. That hurts me way too much to even think about." I told her.

Dusty cried and pulled her knees to her chest. "Baby, we will have ups and downs but I want you to have ups. We will have downs together and we will work on them together." I said, going up to her.

I moved her knees down and then sat in front of her. She sat up and moved closer to me. I lifted her chin and kissed her softly and slowly. "Do you promise to put this all in the past and never come back to it?" I asked her.

She nodded and I kissed her again, grabbing her lip as I let up. "Did you call my mom?" She asked.

"Yeah" I answered.

Dusty smiles at me and kisses me again, wantingly more than ever.



Remington held me in his arms as he quietly slept. I couldn't sleep, I just had too many thoughts overwhelming my head. I move a bit and that stirs Remington a bit, "Why are you still awake?" Remington asked.

"Too many thoughts and I'm scared to sleep." I answered.

"Don't be scared to sleep. If you're scared, I am right here to comfort you." Remington said, kissing my head.

I started to draw circles into his abs. I was telling him that I wanted him, but I could tell Remington already knew that. "Dusty... you are a trouble maker." Remington sighed.

"Why?" I asked, a chuckle interrupting my speech.

"Because you always want me whenever it's hard to give myself to you." Remington answered.

The best thing about me is that I don't have any ivies or machines hooked to me. So I cradled Remington's lap and held myself up by putting my hands on his ribcage. "Oh dusty you're just a different girl aren't you?" He questioned rhetorically.

I smiled and leaned down to kiss him. He rolled his shoulders to get comfortable to my touch. He propped himself on his elbows, giving me more. "I love you so much." He said during the kiss.

"I love you way more." I challenged.

Remington let go and stared at me. Then his mouth curved into a smirk with evil in his eyes, then he smashed his lips onto mine. Wrapping his long arms around me, pulling me closer. I could feel everything from him and I just wanted him. He moved his kiss to my neck and left another love bite.

I am kind of regretting trying to kill myself.


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