I'm shy. Please take care of me.

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Ok. This is about the 'shy type'.

Like I get it you're shy and all. I'm shy when I first meet people and then I turn into this huge ball of energy and sunshine happiness and shit.

Lmao I mean things like "I hugged my books closer to my chest as I made. Y way to my lock avoiding eyes contact with everyone." And then a few paragraphs later she'll be like "As I walked home from school because I had no other form of transportation, I wondered why nobody talked to me. I was nice right?"

Like no hoe. You're the one avoiding everything with everyone.

If you want to make friends, first of all, change out of those ugly baggy sweatpants and hoodie, you wear that to the supermarket and at home. Not to school. Unless you're a college student because no one really cares what you wear. Wear something that makes you fucking approachable and change that damned nasty attitude of yours. Like damn.

And then this bitch will be like "She kept talking to me and kept pestering me with incompetent questions as I tried to make my way to math class" Like, no hun, she was trying to get to know you and you're being an asshole. No wonder why you don't get any calls.

But like it's ok because then she and her love interest will share friends in the end. And by that I mean there's a 98.9% chance all of them will be boys with her being the only girl.

Or when she gets cornered and she squeaks. Squeaks.

Wha— where is the logic. Try to stand up to yourself or I swear I will go into your world and smack you. I'm not even joking.

I recently started my third year in high school and during my first day I noticed one of the new girls sitting by herself a the front and she looked very tense. And what do I do? I sat by her and started talking about the most random shit. And when I was worried I was talking too much, she just said; "Oh it's okay you're actually making this easier for me." And you know what that felt fucking great. She was less tense and more at ease.

By the way when I mentioned I started my third year in high school, just remember this. I live in Canada.

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