I ain't cryin over this.

469 24 12


I hate my life.

Alright. You know those stories with that certain plot where the main character gets bullied for being 'ugly'?

Yeah. We're talking about that today.

Yay. I'm supposed to be studying. Procrastination at it's finest.



Is bad.

There is literally no point in constantly making fun of someone everyday for your own entertainment. If you want to do that watch people failing at doing things and seriously getting hurt. Trust me it's worth it.

Serious matters aside, Wattpad authors, what the actual fuck is going on in your brains? This is rhetorical. Do not answer pls.

I read books about the bullies girl in high school because it's such a common trope. But it's good when written correctly.


Like someone is just like:

"Oh my god did you see her glasses? Ugh such a nerd."

And then what does homegirl do? She cries. Cries.
Because someone called her a nerd.

Tf you callin me a nerd for bitch? I need these squares  to see or I'm as blind as a rat. Or whatever animal is blind.
"Why don't you just wear contacts?" You ask, well, I certainly don't fell like sticking my finger in my eye to get the circle over my iris at 6:30 in the morning thank you very much.

And I look 10% cuter WITH them on so like, let me live????

"Watch it you fat slut ugh."

You pushed me hoe.

"Nobody loves you."

False. My imaginary friends do. Oh and my mom. I think.

"Hahahaha oh my god did you see what she was wearing?"

Literally nobody cares. No one.

I feel like these authors are those people who just forget how school works or they watch too many high school based movies.

They're all like: this

I walked in the hallway with my head down trying to avoid everyone. I just wanted to get to my locker and go home.

Suddenly I was pushed to the ground and all I heard around me was laughter. Everywhere I look, I saw the faces of people mocking my with their laughter.

I saw a pair of pink heels stop in front of me.

"Oh look at the little slut."
The whole area started laughing.

People don't actually laugh at that. It isn't even an insult. At my school, people cuss each other it all the time. Of you want to exaggerate the high school trope, your hook may as well be f the prom.

Thank you and good night.

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