Horrible descriptons

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How do I start a horrendous creature.

I am so disgusted by it. You have no idea.

Lemme give y'all an example. Because— just read.

Hi, my name is Marina and I'm you're normal everyday girl. UM WRONG. I'm actually a mermaid.

Let's start a petition to stop this. #StopTheBullshit.

And my dad won't let me visit the human world me and my friends decided that we're gonna sneak out and explore.

Are you trying to kill yourself hun. Like... let's be serious here. The human world is full of shit. And garbage. And people.

Why would you ever want to come here.

I mean, if I was a mermaid I would stay away.


Those kinds of descriptions need to die. If you want people to read your book, you need a good description for them to be interested. I don't know about you but if I read a description like that, honestly... I'd leave.

If you want to write a description at least make it good.

I mean, maybe the writing in the book is ok but I would never know because I didn't read the book.

But for me, if the description is crap, chances are, I'm not gonna read it.

I mean, you might read it. But I sure as hell won't.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

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