Look at them HOES

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Christ. Ok. I'm writing this at midnight so bare with me k? Good.

How do I begin with this.

Slut shaming is a real thing in this world and by all means, it's not a good thing. You know what the definition of a slut is?  Well it's here so check it out. ⬇️⬇️

There is is

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There is is. That is a slut.

A slut is not nesseceraly (help me spell this damned word) someone who wears tight and/or short clothing. Ok?

Because I wear tight clothing and I know for sure I am not a slut. I'm just hot. In both ways;). Jk that was a lie. Trying raise your self esteem like.

But anyways. Tight clothing does not mean someone is desperate or a slut or a hoe.

You know, now that I think about it. Why do we call girls a garden tool? Like damn.

And I really dislike the fact that these descriptions are coming from real people who actually take the time and energy to create these wonderful characters and great moments for them. But then they have to use the most common trope that their main character slut shames.

And like whenever I read the part where the character describes other girls as sluts, I like to look at the comment section because I genuinely like to see what people think, and they're all against the slut shaming. But like keep reading for the sake of the plot. Not because it good, but because it's predictable and 80% of wattpad vols have the same plot.
(But no hate tho bc I do the same)

I feel like people are making their main characters think like school boards when it comes to girl's clothing. AND THE SCHOOLS IN THE GOD DAMNED  BOOK DOESNT ECEN GIVE A CRAP. So why should you? Judgy McJudgy face.

Does this not piss anyone else off?

I know for sure I've never been called a slut because of my clothes. Or at least I've never heard someone say it. Or maybe they're thinking it. God. What if I am a slut I don't even know it?

Why am I mentioning myself you ask? Well for starters. I wear tight jeans. Because they make my ass look bigger that I actually is. (That and because it compliments it.) ok? And I have an average butt ok? Like you'd be able too see the shape of it in my tight school pants. And I feel hella great wearing them. Oh yeah it's the same with tights.

Ok now. I'm not ashamed to talk about this, because I know wattpad is 99% girl and I'm taking the chance to talk about this even if a boy may stumble on this. SO GET COMFORTABLE.

Ok. I am not a small chested girl. It's the opposite and it's not as fun as it seems. Jk I haven't done anything yet I'm still in school.

And shirts? Are not all that loose one me. A regular t-shirt that I got at H&M (14$ if you're wondering), it's like a solid colour outlined with white. Anyway. So I have three shirts like that. All in the same size. All different colours. And when I wear them, estie you can literally SEE my boobs and it's worse when I'm facing the wind because then I look the drawings of someone who doesn't know what a female looks like in a t-shirt.

And I ever been called out on my clothing? No. Have I gotten comments from other girls saying they want bigger boobs because they're comparing theirs to mine? Yes.

The point is. Calling someone a slut because of their clothing and makeup is not ok. There is a dictionary, there is google, look up something original. I don't know. You can call them desperate, attention-seekers, Little miss (or Sir) Eyes on me.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk. 

Also yes I did look up the definition of the word slut to prove my point. But like, I did it on the private setting in safari so that my mother doesn't question about the things I do that she doesn't know about.

That and bc this is that last thing I looked up ⬇️

That and bc this is that last thing I looked up ⬇️

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I am not ashamed

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