Punch. Punch. Punch.

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Warning, this is not as lighthearted of a topic as the others. This is about an actual serious matter.

Overused and stupid.

Okay. So, this chapter is not supporting abuse in any way nor is it encouraging it. In this chapter we will be discussing all of the horribly put together abuse stories to exist on this app. And believe me, there are a lot of them.

So ladies and gentlemen, let us begin.

One: The dead parent

Apparently the first thing that comes to mind when people think of an abusive household is a dead parent. Do— do you know that most of the time, that isn't the reason? A deceased parent, or lover in this case, is rarely the reason for domestic abuse.

Two: the drunken bastard

People do a lot of things when they get drunk. They accidentally spill something they were supposed to keep secret, broke a vase, thought getting even more drunk is a great idea. And maybe accidentally injure someone because of the alcoholic influence.

*skip this if you want*

Use the great Gatsby as an example. Tom, Nick, Myrtle and a few others were having a party and got mad drunk. So Nick is doing his own thing and is staring off into space when he hears arguing. Of course he is drunk so he watches the scene unfold.
Tom and Myrtle. The loud voice belonged to them. Myrtle was screaming Daisy's (tom's wife) name over and over and Tom was telling her to shut up. She didn't and kept screaming the name. And Tom ended up breaking her nose. Now remember, all of this happened by the influence of alcohol and mainly annoyance. Their minds were a little drowsy and they couldn't fully comprehend washstand they were doing. See, it was their choice to get mad drunk, but not for the purpose of using it for violence. They want to have "fun".

*alright it's done write your own damn paper*

The thing is, if someone dies, you're not gonna stay depressed for ten years and beat up the only living thing that your xx left behind (xx means anyone). Sure it will be a deep plunge in your life and it'll feel like nothing matters anymore but believe me it will get better. It'll take time, but it will.  And maybe you'll spend that time getting as drunk as you can to try and forget, but I don't necessarily think it would lead to abuse of that extent.

Three: Punch. Punch. Punch.

Whenever wattpad authors think of the word abuse, they immediately think it's only physical.

And I'm here to tell you, no it is not.

Mental abuse is a thing and seriously shouldn't be ignored.

I think physical abuse is more used because you actually have proof of it happening. There could be marks in your skin, painting it with shades of blue and purple. It could be swollen or broken. Either way, you'd be able to prove it happens.

Now, mental abuse on the other hand, is more difficult to reach. The person could be very sensitive and gets hit with insults at home, be it about their grades or their weight. But whenever they go out, they're either really shy or really outgoing. It's a method for them to cope with the pain. I think it would take a really good writer to truly capture this kind of abuse.

Four: Notice

When someone is abused, be it mentally or physically, they will always show signs of it. No matter how subtle they may be.

If person A raises their voice and person B flinches, then you already know something's up. When A sneaks up on B even if it's just to say hi and they get scared, alarms should start ringing.

If B raises their voice and A flinches, problem. A might also feel horrible in crowed areas or when someone touches them.

Or maybe (let's use C this time) whenever someone touches C's shoulder or pokes them in general, and they become uncomfortable and they tell you to stop. You stop.

Five: I. Love. You.

I read abuse stories and they all have one thing in common. Well two things. The abused is always a girl. And the abused always get rescued and falls in love.

Just like how it's wrong to romanticize suicide, it's wrong to romanticize abuse.

Sometimes a lover isn't going to help you get out of it. Sometimes having reassurance that someone is there doesn't help. Sometimes hearing someone say I love you over and over as you try to overcome your situation isn't going to get you anywhere.

Not every situation has to end up with the abused and their lover getting rid of the abuser themselves. Give me a story where the abused is reassured by their friends, who they know will help them through anything. Instead of someone whom they met a month ago.

Well... that's it I guess.

I just wanted to talk about it because sometimes it's misused and to romanticized. And it didn't feel real.

Ahem. Yeah, uhh NYEH will be updated on Friday.

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