Me, myself and I

312 19 8

Ayyyy let's go.

Anotha one bc I'm awesome.

You know when you read a book and it starts off with the main character waking up and then they go to the bathroom and stare at their face for a long time before brushing their teeth? Yeah... how do they have time for that.

Right so uhhh, I don't know if it's a thing between writers but I think that putting all of your character's traits in one big paragraph in the beginning of the book seems a little messy and lazy.

I think you should decompose all of that and spread it throughout your book. Like instead of writing:

Oh right, I'm Ashley and I'm 17 years old. I have long blond hair that I inherited from my mom and blue eyes I got from my dad. I have thick eyebrows and I'm really pale. I'm a skinny person so I literally have no curves whatsoever.

I feel like that makes the paragraph too crowded and putting everything all in one paragraph and then continuing with them finishing up their morning routine is like binge watching YouTube. One minute you're watching a video about cats and the next you're watching an interview with Justin Bieber's mom. No offence.

How about making other characters describe your M/C as well. Or you can make then indirectly make them describe themselves:

I looked in the mirror. Something looked different. Did my butt get bigger? Those squats are finally paying off.

Another character perhaps?

"Morgan Catia Di Maria, I have never seen or heard of a twenty year old girl who still like to sleep in her duck pyjamas. Get out of bed or you'll get the spoon!"

Lol she got threatened by her mom.


So this one time I was arguing with my mom bc she kept making me go back and forth with bringing foin and cleaning. So we were yelling at each other and, I shit you not, she grabbed a wooden spoon and yote it in my direction and it smacked my arm.

And a few minutes later I somehow managed to kiss off my dad and he hurled his plastic flip flop in my face.

And when I brought up the spoon incendient two months ago, my mom had the nerve to say "I've never done that." LIES.

But yeah. Also the amount of times my mom had threatened me and has not chopped off my head is insane.

Right. More describing.

I didn't bother brushing or tying my curly hair. It was too much work and I don't have the time or energy to do it.

See. Little by little.

Think of this like drawing. You envision something at the beginning, but as you slowly progress you start wanting to change a few things. And little by little your finished result will look differ from what you imagined. It's just like describing you character, slowly piece the physical description together so the reader can image it as well.

Trust me, it's so much better than throwing the whole thing in the first two paragraphs.


Yay I'm done. There's a weird smell in my house and I'm pretty sure it's shit. My dad can't smell it. Like he's in the kitchen minding his own business and is acting like nothing is wrong.

It smells like actual shit.

Ugh. Why

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