Ring ring. It's me bitch.

489 28 6

I'm supposed to be doing homework. But I'm almost done so it's good.

Teen fiction books are great. Especially if there is a good plot, good grammar and well written characters.

But you know what all teen fiction books have in common?

Alarm clocks.

Like. I'm not even kidding. It always starts off with the same (no offence) whits shit.

Just read.


I groaned at the sound of my alarm clock. I just wanted to sleep. Why did it have to ring so early?

Because you set it at the specific time.

"Honey!" My mom called, she poked her head in from the doorway, "Get ready it's the first day of school!"
I rolled over and ignored my mom. But after two minutes I decided to get up.

Why do moms in books sound so nice? Also, why do people have alarm clocks is they have phones that also have alarm clocks?

Also why is it always the mom who wakes up? Because by the time I get up my mom is getting dress or something.

This is how I have to get up.

6:00 am.

Ring ring ring

I opened my eyes and looked at my phone. It was currently buzzing and ringing, telling me to get up. I turned it off.

6:30 am.

"SAB!" I heard my dad yell. I opened my eyes once again to see him standing in my doorway.

I mumbled out a 'what' before he so rudely turned on the lights and left.
I regretfully got up and got ready for another dreadful day.

My point is, you don't have to start your story off with a damn alarm clock. I didn't. This is what I did.

The hallways were always crowded during this time of day. It seemed like people forgot there were, in fact, other places for them to talk, gossip and/or make fun of people. There were wooden picnic tables outside near a singular tree that was surrounded by concrete, there were benches alongside the outside walls of the school and there were tables inside. But for some reason, people seemed to think the hallway was the best place for conversations.

Pretty great huh? I was procrastinating. That's why it looks so creative.

 That's why it looks so creative

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