Chapter 6

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Hoseoks P.O.V.

Well fuck.
What am I gonna do now. I have a daughter? I seriously can't believe this. I'm so shocked I didn't even realise that Jungkook and Taehyung were shaking me, and the doctor was still talking to me.

"Hyung! Hyung! Are you okay?" Jungkook asks worriedly.

"Yeah yeah..."I gulp, and look over at my, apperently, daughter.

She just shrugs and looks at me with a "I told ya" face.
I look at our leader, Namjoon. "Let's go home" he nods, and we take Ae-ri with us.

No one says a word on the ride home, everyone's trying to process this situation. Ae-ri, on the other hand looked calm. She was looking out the window, starring intensly at everything. No wonder why, everything is different, new to her. As she came from the future.

We finally arrive, and walk straight to the living room. Everyone takes a sit and looks at Ae-ri.

Jungkooks P.O.V.

This whole thing is so crazy. We're just looking at her like we saw a ghost. She also notices this, and shifts uncomfortably in her seat.

"I know this thing is weird, but could you please stop looking at me, like I'm some kind of a miracle. It's creepy."she says.

"Well you are a miracle if you think about it."Jimin says. She nods in agreement at this.

"How come you're here? How did this happen? How's the future? I HAVE SOOOO MANY QUESTIONS!" Taehyung particularly shouts.

Before she could answer, Namjoon also speaks up.

"Hold on!" he raises is hand, and we all look at him. "If you're from the future, and you're Hoseoks daughter........that means the other girl has to be Jungkooks daughter." he finishes and everyone looks at me.

I can't speak, due to the shock that has taken over my whole body. That can't be. I have a daughter too?! And she's here? What the hell is going on. I just turn to Ae-ri, to see if she knows something.

She looks me in the eye and says"Oh yeah, she's here."

"Is all of our children here?! What is this, a time travel story?!" Jin snaps.

Ae-ri answers him calmly, despite that he seemed to be mad at her. "I don't know who are here, but Vanechka is for sure here. I know this for several reasons. 1-I got a text from her, which said I should take money out of dads bank account. 2-where's trouble, she's there. And now we are in huge trouble. 3-She's the reason we are here."

"What do you mean she's the reason?" I ask.

She laughes at this, and smiles."Funny, you would never ask that in the future. Vanechka is a genius, all she does is mess around, inventing crazy things, breaking lifes and sciences rules. Which explains how we are here. This is probably one of her experiments. Time travel....sounds exactly like her if you're asking me."

So that's how my daughter is. A little genius. I can't help but smile at the thought. My daughter invented time travel.

"Do you happen to know where is she? Or contact her?" Namjoon asks.

"Nope" Ae-ri simply answers.

"That's great." Jin adds sarcastically.

"We have to search for others, and wait for Vanechka. That's the only way we can fix this whole ....thing"Ae-ri says.

"Okay, then let's figure out a plan.." Namjoon starts, but gets caughts off by Hoseok.

"We'll have to know, who are we looking for. Who could be here, and where could Vanechka be?" he looks at his daughter for an answer.

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