Phase 1: This Means War, part 1

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"Maybe the coexistence of us and the Amiss went relatively good until now, but it's only a matter of time until it explodes! The Amiss are much stronger than us and they are aware of it. The only way to put them back into their place is to unite! Let them know this is OUR land and they aren't welcome here! One Amiss can beat one of us. But if we unite, if we arm ourselves and corner them, these savages will finally realize their inferiority!"

The infamous speech of Tomáš Zeman, the founder of the Yeomen movement, spoken in the year 83 after Impact on Old Town Square in Prague. This speech soon led into writing the Yeomen Manifest and founding the extremist, anti-Castaway group.

The Castaway terrorist attack in Ostrava: the reasons and consequences

Three months ago, finale of European Neoclash Showdown of the year 132 in Ostrava, Visegradia ended with a tragedy as it became a scene of the worst terrorist attack commited by a Castaway so far. The main instigator of the attack is a Castaway named Valentina (28), better known as Nightingale to Neoclash fans since she earned the title Champion of Champions in the past.

It seems that Valentina was secretly building her own crime syndicate of Castaway outlaws and rogue Champions. Then, she seated the members of her group on the terraces among the audience of the Showdown's finale where she fought a young Champion Zoya (17) known as Tempest.

Soon after Valentina lost the fight, she commanded her army to wreak havoc on the audience and cause panic. The rogue Castaways started to randomly attack the civilians and despite the quick reaction of the police and the Wardens, Castaway law enforcers, great casualties were unavoidable. It is estimated that over 1200 civilians, 600 Castaways, 80 police officers and 20 Wardens lost their life that day, making the incident the most gruesome massacre in the era after Impact.

Valentina explained her motives when she declared war on the Healthy and all the Castaways who help them, claiming that her plan is to "arm Castaways in the Dead Zone and start a "Castaway revolution", banishing the Healthy from Europe and claiming it for themselves.

The main instigator, alongside her numerous henchmen, escaped in a stolen aircarrier and their current whereabouts are unknown. One thing is for sure - the woman known as Nightingale has the money, the people and determination needed to destroy Europe as we know it and nobody has any idea how to stop her.

Hand in hand with the terrorist attack, the Yeomen movement started to rise again, gaining new followers from the ranks of people affected by the massacre. Some people started to take their aggressive anti-Castaway rhetoric as a hope to stop Nightingale and prevent Castaway uprising.

The movement's current leader who is also a grandson of the Yeomen's founder, Tomáš Zeman III. (33), stated: "We told you so. We told you that the Amiss will break loose one day, but nobody believed us. However, there is still hope. If we stand up and beat every Amiss we see, they will realize we're not going down easily. That this is our land and we won't let them have it, even if we had to die fighting for it. I appeal to everyone: stand up and prove you are humans!"

While some criticize the speech and point out the fact many Castaways denounced Nightingale's uprising and promised to help the Healthy in their fight against her, those inclined towards the Yeomen opinions already started to behave violently against Castaways. The number of violent encounters between the Healthy and Castaways is growing and, judging from the Yeomen propaganda on social networks, it will only get worse. We have to prepare for a crisis modern Europe hasn't seen yet.

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