Phase 6, part 3

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At least we have the fleeting victorious feeling as the woman, Nightingale's second-in-charge, curses loudly after she found out Zoya escaped

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At least we have the fleeting victorious feeling as the woman, Nightingale's second-in-charge, curses loudly after she found out Zoya escaped. But it doesn't last long. Soon after, her face brightens with a sly smile once again. "I hope your little friend is ready for a welcome committee," she purrs.

Damn. Why didn't I think about it? The floor with the lab must be guarded, too.

I rush to the staircase, but one of the giants blocks the way. With three of them dead, we face four more - two giants and two runners. "Sotiris! Help me get through this one!" I shout at the friendly Castaway standing nearby. Together, we approach the giant Vulture who is determined to not let us in.

My joints and muscles are already growing weak. At this age, I can no longer fight as tirelessly as the younger generation. But I have to keep fighting - for Zoya. I sent her there - if something happens to her, it's only my fault. Now she's up there alone and who knows what is she facing.

The Vulture raises his artificial arm to strike.

"Step aside!" Sotiris shouts at me. I comply and the Greek Castaway, with his shield raised, takes the blow instead of me. I hear him gasp loudly as the massive arm connects with his shield. The impact is so powerful Sotiris loses his balance and collapses.

But he opened a room for me.

As the Vulture's hand is still outstretched, I charge forward, hitting it with a mighty uppercut. I hear the satisfying sound of metal and polymers succumbing to my strength. The Vulture's artificial arm bends in a strange angle, giving away I damaged it.

But it's still not useless. He takes a swing at me, using the broken arm as a ball on a chain.

There's nobody to cover me. The attack connects and I black out for a second. When I recover, I find myself on the floor with blood in my mouth. The Vulture is ready to finish me off.

The partially detached fist is falling on me like a meteorite. I close my eyes and reconcile with the imminent end. I had a long, fulfilling life and I guess this is a fitting way to end it. But instead of feeling my own skull getting smashed, I hear a loud crack followed by a female cry of pain.

When I open my eyes, I see someone blocking the Vulture's fist, just like I saved Zoya just moments ago. I recognize lean figure, artificial legs and a shock of red hair with black stripes. "Roxanna...?" I exhale. It is my old friend who stopped the impact at the cost of her own broken arms.

Her knees buckle under her. She gives me a painful smile, then collapses on the floor and starts wriggling in pain. Now it's my turn to avenge her and deal with the giant. First, before he can react, I drive my fist into his belly. The Vulture, maintaining his empty expression, doubles over.

That's the chance I'm waiting for. I smash his face several times until he goes down. First of all, I check injured Scarla on the floor. "Roxanna! Are you hurt?" I ask.

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