Phase 8, part 3

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"It all started when my years-long Champion died of Flicker," Chairman Havel starts his story

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"It all started when my years-long Champion died of Flicker," Chairman Havel starts his story. "I wasn't ready to leave the world of Neoclash - and so I decided to give it one more try. I went to the Castaway market where I saw her. I immediately knew that she will be the right one for me, that together, we can make it to the top once again. She was one of the expensive, but I didn't mind.

After a few weeks, not only I realized she's a natural-born, skilled fighter, but also the kindest woman I've ever met. My first wife... well, we had a tough divorce with lots of screaming and blaming each other. I thought I will never fall in love again. But as you see, I was wrong.

During the day, she kept herself busy by training, testing the powers of her new leg, improving in martial arts with the best private mentors - I spared no expense on her. And then, in the evening, we had long talks about life, about relationships between Castaways and the Healthy... She also told me things about her life in the Dead Zone. She mentioned you, but didn't talk about you much, since it seemed to be her sensitive spot. That's why I didn't recognize your name. She always talked about you as my dear girl. She cried for you a lot."

So she did miss me. I once again feel like crying, too.

"She always hoped that one day, the Hunters will take you, too, and, after the reunion, we will be a family. It happened too late. When you came to the Dead Zone, she was already... gone." Havel takes off his glasses and wipes his eyes - this is a sensitive topic for us both. "She would be so proud to see you like this."

For a moment, we sit in silence. I'm trying to comprehend the fact the man in front of me is basically my stepfather. And I'd bet similar thoughts roam through his head, too.

"It didn't take long until we fell in love," Havel continues. "However, she was hesitant. She told me that her first man, your biological father, risked and eventually lost his life while trying to protect her and their daughter - you. For her, it felt so wrong to start a new relationship with a new man.

I understood her. I let her take her time before she finally moved on and realized she has to keep on living, so the sacrifice of your father wouldn't be in vain. We eventually started dating. It was all so gentle and innocent, like it was the first time for both of us. She was so much younger compared to me.

But it worked, as you already know. Unlike my first wife who was wild and untamable, Alexandra was calm, gentle, intelligent. And endlessly kind. And so, soon after we started dating, we married. For me, the years with Alexandra were the happiest in my life. Sometimes I wonder if this was the reason she left so soon. Was I too happy with her and God wanted to punish me for something? I guess I'll never know."

"That's not true!" I say. "I'm sure it wasn't a punishment. It was just a tragic accident."

Havel nods. "Alexandra had a trait that was both a blessing and a curse. She couldn't stand injustice and unfairness. And sadly, it made her many enemies. When she built a good reputation in Neoclash, she became the number one Castaway rights activist, giving everyone who opposes the Yeomen and other anti-Castaway groups a face and a voice. Unlike the Yeomen, the pro-Castaway people were just clueless individuals with no idea what to do. Alexandra changed it.

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