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See GLOSSARY to find explanations of terms used in this text.

NOTE: After the impact, the people, especially in Europe, started to use a new calendar era, distinguishing the eras "Before Impact" (b.I) and "After Impact" (a.I). The new era was initially informal, but in the year 52 a.I, it has been officially implemented by Europe's government and used since then, even though America and other continents continued using old era regarding the birth of Jesus Christ.

2 b.I. - The scientists discover the Archangel meteorite approaching the Earth at an alarming rate. The main goal of the scientists worldwide became detouring the meteorite's path or, if not successful, minimizing the consequences of the impact.

1 b.I. - Detouring the meteorite's path seems to be impossible. The hope of the humankind relies on a gravity forcefield strong enough to slow down the meteorite, reducing the impact strength and possibly saving most of the Earth's inhabitants.

After joining forces, the scientists and engineers are successful, creating an orbital device able to reduce the meteorite's energy and minimize the consequences. However, even though most of the meteorite burned in the atmosphere, it wasn't destroyed completely.

0 - Archangel lands on the area of Russia. The massive impact annihilated about forty percent of people in several hundred kilometer radius, another thirty percent died within three years after the impact due to cancer and irradiation.

1 a.I. - The zone of the impact becomes known as the Dead Zone. Due to disease spread and infrastructure destruction, it became uninhabitable and Europe faces heavy surge of refugees from the Dead Zone seeking shelter.

6 a.I. - The "Dead Zone Crisis" slowly leads to the downfall of European economy. The uprise of anti-immigration citizen leagues and political parties pushes the government into a critical decision - to separate the Dead Zone and Europe by an impenetrable barrier, leaving its remaining inhabitants on their own without any chance of help.

9 a.I. - The wall separating the two worlds is finished. The people inside the Dead Zone are now known as the "Castaways". There are several groups who support the Castaway rights and want to help them somehow, but they are quickly silenced by the opposite group.

17 a.I. - It is discovered that the Archangel meteorite emits strange radiation which later becomes known as "The Radiance". It alters the DNA of the people exposed to it for a longer time, causing tumors and deformities, but also increasing their endurance, physical strength and stamina. Those who survived The Radiance's influence ended up being scarred and deformed, yet stronger than they used to be.

20 a.I. - The first offsprings of the Castaways are born in the Dead Zone. The Radiance affected them, causing them to be born with both the deformities and the enhanced performance.

50 a.I. - The Castaways managed to form a primitive society based on survival of the fittest. The key element are groups known as "Tribes". Some of them decide to cooperate and thrive by staying together and joining forces. Other Tribes turned into merciless criminal gangs.

54 a.I. - Violent protests of left-wing activists convinced the European government to send several shipments of humanitarian help to the most populated Dead Zone areas. The Castaways accepted the help, but acted hostile towards the Healthy, as they called the European inhabitants. Any attempts to cooperate further ended with a failure.

55 a.I. - To prevent an economic disaster, the European states of Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic and Slovakia merged into a federation known as Visegradia. The states partially kept their culture, language, and autonomy. The first Visegradian president was elected and the office was taken by Peter Ostaszewski from Poland.

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