Phase 10, part 2

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It hurts me every time I see Zoya on TV, but at the same time, I just can't stop watching

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It hurts me every time I see Zoya on TV, but at the same time, I just can't stop watching. I'd say my heart starts racing every time I see her, but it would work only if I didn't have a mechanical pump instead of a heart. A pump which I hate... I almost said with all my heart. Ironic.

It's been a week since Zoya disclosed the fake Castaway terrorist attack, but they still broadcast her speech, probably as some kind of reminder. And also because people love seeing her... just like me.

She's dirty, bruised and messy - she just emerged victorious from a fight after all -, but still beautiful. Some would disagree - finding beauty in the thin, youthful face untouched by make-up and skinny figure with no prominent curves can be difficult for someone who sees her for the first time. However, they can't look beyond the physical appearance as I do.

The tenacious eyes look like staring straight at me and I can't help but shiver a little.

She will never look at me like this again. After my explosion of rage in London, I'm certain about it.

"Not all Castaways want to eradicate the Healthy and seize the whole of Europe, just like not all Healthy representatives don't want to protect you from this threat. I will fight against Nightingale. And I will fight against Yeomen. Both are dangerous extremes which need to be stopped..."

I follow every word she says even though I've heard this short speech many times already. And I once again question the decision I made.

If I had to be honest, I'd much rather fight with Zoya than against her. But now it's too late. Too many things happened and now there's no way for us to be together again.

We're distant in every kind of way - right now, we're flying somewhere above the Norwegian sea in the stolen aircarrier which became something like a private residence of Valentina and her most trusted generals. I should be probably honored that I have a place here.

Valentina's army grew so much that the Castaways who swore allegiance to her can no longer gather on one place, the less in one aircarrier. However, if Valentina declares an action, she's able to rally a large part of her army within just one day.

It can be said Europe is infested with Nightingale's followers now. We have countless secret hideouts in all countries. They wait, sleeping until their leader commands them to join the battle. Every once a while, one of the hideouts is disclosed and cleansed by the Wardens, but it's never a big loss. The arrested Castaways are mere pawns. All the important people are here, on this aircarrier.

I hear footsteps behind me and I quickly change the channel. I don't want Valentina to know I still harbor some feelings towards Zoya. The relationship between Valentina and Zoya was iffy from the start, but since the debacle in the Serenity Tower, Zoya became Valentina's number one enemy.

It's no wonder. Zoya foiled many of Nightingale's plans so far and if there weren't her, maybe the Castaway revolution would be already in motion. Valentina wants Zoya's head on a silver plate, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to attempt her murder again.

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