Part 4: A Decision

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I paced around the room long after Madja left. By the late afternoon, everyone had gathered in my old bedroom in hopes of making a decision of whether to stay or go.
"As your friend, I say that you should do what makes you most happy and that a little revenge would be nice," Mor said from her spot on the bed. "But as your 3rd in command, I say we need to get the hell out of here."
"I agree." Az said, "this is an incredibly compromising position."
"That's true," Amren piped up, " but we also have to look at this from a social standpoint. It would look mighty odd to attend, only to leave an hour later."
"Oh since when do we care about things looking odd!" Cass waved his arms around as he spoke, "We literally pretended to be scary nighttime bitches for 500 years!"
"Yeah and we've moved passed that," Mor said loudly shooting them into a full-blown argument.
"Guys," Rhys said. The two continued to argue.
"Guys." He said again. Their arguing only increased.
"GUYS!" I shouted. They both stopped and looked over to me. I stopped pacing for a moment and walked over to his side.
"This isn't helping. We need to figure out what to do. I think if we leave, things will only get worse, not just with how people look at us, but with our relationships with the other courts."
"And I think it doesn't matter, my mate is pregnant and is not safe in this hell house!" Rhys said with his cool calm voice that made normal fae shutter
"If we leave now, he will think we are weak and he will take advantage of it." I walked over to Rhys and looked him dead in the eye.
"If we leave now he will see that I am weak, and he will see it as an opportunity to try to snatch me back, to take everything away we've worked for. If he sees that I am weak he will try to take away this." I said, my hand over my stomach. Rhys reached his hand out and put it over mine. We stared at each other, eyes deeply locked for a few minutes.
"Guys could you give us a second," Rhys said. Everyone huffed and trudged out of the room. Rhys took my Hand and lead me to the bed. I perched myself on his lap, his hands were roaming my back.
"I will never let him hurt you again. Ever. And I will most certainly never let him lay his hands on our child." "But if he finds out, and chooses to attack us, then anything we do against him is gonna bite us in the ass because we are in his turf."
"I know," I whispered. "If we leave right now, think about what that says to him about us. He will know I am scared of him. Trust me, I've been inside his head."
"I know, so have I." Rhys said. After a moment of silence, he spoke again. "Okay, if you think we should stay, then we should stay. But if he steps one single foot out of line, I swear to the cauldron, I will rip his balls off."
"It won't be that hard, they're very small." He laughed quietly before looking deep into my eyes.
I can't believe this is really happening. Rhys whispered down our bond. You're really pregnant...
I know. Kinda wild huh?

I sat at my old vanity, staring at my reflection as Mor did my hair. Even with 7 years of experience, I was still dreadful at anything that could be categorized as feminine. I was a warrior, a painter, and a ruler, NOT a hairdresser. Mor used touches of magic to curl the strands of my wavy hair not tied into the braided bun she had fashioned. It's coils matched the collar of the navy blue gown I had dawned. One of the ones Rhy's mother made. She was already wearing one of her favorite red gowns, thick charcoal lining her eyes.
"Aaaaaand done!" She said placing the last pin in my hair. I studied myself in the mirror, hair and all. She had applied a small amount of makeup to my face, making my eyes pop out. Rhys looked up from his book and stood behind me.
"You look ravishing Feyre darling." He pressed his lips to my temple. "Although I can tell Mor did you up, with the eyes and all."
"Yeah, I'm not terribly fond of them, but they make me look scary." He chuckled. I took his hand and stood up from the old chair.
"Ready to party my love?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."

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