Part 19: Learning Opprutuntites

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AN: This chapter (and many future chapters) is brought to you by quarantine and my school shutting down. 

 Madja arrived at the house while we were still throwing things into our trunk. Mor brought her up to our room, which I suppose would normally be very strange, but there was nothing normal about life anymore.

"High Lord, Lady," She said, giving a quick bow before fully entering the room.

"Thank you so much for coming with us on such short notice," I said walking over to greet her.

"It's no problem, but I must warn you, I might not be the best healer for helping you through pregnancy." She said, "I have delivered a few children in the past, but I am first and foremost a healer for battlefields, not a midwife."

"Madja," I said to her, "There is no one else I would rather have to help me through this. I trust you. That's not something that happens often."

"Thank you, my lady."

"I have to be honest here," Rhys said, closing the trunk, "Neither of us has any clue how this whole thing works."

"I know a bit about human pregnancy, but I am totally in over my head," I admitted. Rhys walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Um, why don't we sit down,". I gestured to the small table we sometimes take dinner at.

"Well, first off," She said, "I think it's important for you to know that there are more differences than similarities between fae and human pregnancy." I nodded as she pulled a leather-bound notebook out of her bad and flipped it open. "Human pregnancy typically lasts nine months, with the mother becoming aware anywhere between one and four months in, depending on their access to medical care. Fae pregnancy, however, lasts a full calendar year, with the mother becoming aware around the third month of gestation."

"I've been pregnant for three months?" I asked, almost shocked. I have done so much in the past three months, so much physical activity, flying, holy mother I took that big fall on-Rhys slid his hand across my knee.

"I will have to double-check when we have time for a more thorough examination, but it looks like you have been with child for around three months and twelve days."

Holy shit. How did I not know? Rhys sensed me tense up and brought me even closer to him. It's okay, he said.

"Okay...Um.." I could barely bring words to my mouth. If I had brought our child any harm before I even knew I was carrying them, I could never forgive myself. "I have two very important questions, the others can wait until we have more time." Madja nodded. "First off, what can and can't I do? I have had a lot of physical activity recently and..."

"Physical activity and performing more strenuous magic in the early stages shouldn't be a problem. Once you reach your sixth month, you will have to cut back on quite a bit; shapeshifting, flying, anything that would potentially strain you."

"But say, skilfully falling from a catwalk wouldn't have hurt the baby?"

"I wouldn't suggest making it a regular activity, but your actions in the spring court did not harm your child, as far as I can tell," Madja said.

"Oh thank the mother," Rhys sighed. Breathing became a bit easier.

"However," she said. We both shot up from our newly acquired relaxed positions, "I wouldn't suggest winnowing much during this time. Transporting your body across space, folding the universe is incredibly strenuous on the body and there is little to no research on how it can affect a fetus. If you can help it, Lady Feyre, have your mate winnow you until you give birth."

"Okay," I nodded, still trying to take in everything. I could barely believe I was with a child at all, let alone believe I had been carrying our child for three months. And now I can't winnow?

"What was your second question, my Lady?" Madja asked me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"It was about...survival rate." I practically whispered. Rhys looked over at me, worry in his eyes. I'm sure mine reflected it too. "I am technically, my mother's youngest child but-" I gripped Rhys's hand, willing the tears to not spill over. "She carried another child before she died. I don't really remember, but I know the child was stillborn and-" I couldn't stop them now, tears flowed freely down my red cheeks. I straightened up to look at our healer. "What are the chances that this child will survive?"

Rhys looked like he was trying not to cry too. His adams apple bobbed as he looked at me. Neither of us seemed to have any words, he just held my hand tighter.

"It is very likely your child will survive, my Lady," Madja said with a look of compassion in the corner of her eye. "As I said, human and fae pregnancies are vastly different. Humans have no problem conceiving, in fact, they are far too fertile, but more often than not, they can not carry to term. Fae children are so rare because we are far less fertile, and have trouble conceiving." I nodded.

"I need to conduct an examination as soon as possible so I can give you the most accurate information, but I understand you have very pressing business to attend to," Madja said, standing up. Rhys stood to walk her out, but I stayed seated.

"Thank you, for everything." He said, "If you go down the hall, Azriel will be waiting for you. He will see you up to the dawn court after we leave..."I walked over to the bathroom and splashed some water on my face. This day had been far too long and it was nowhere near over. Nor was this long pregnancy, which was apparently intent to make me cry every five minutes. At least the baby was safe.

That was a lot Rhys said down the bond. He leaned against the doorway, his typical stance.

At least we know I can probably carry to term. I splashed more water on my face, trying to help it regain its color.

I didn't know you were concerned about... I didn't know about your mother.

That's because I never said anything. I walked over to him, looking up into his eyes. Honestly, I didn't think much of it until I realized it could happen to me too. I wrapped my arms around his neck, he pulled me in and we simply stood there, enjoying the moment of calm before we winnowed to the dawn court, and entered the storm.

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