Part 12: Firenight Part four

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The rock shuttered as my knee and fist hit the ground. people looked up and gasped at me, kneeling behind the high Lord of spring, who was completely unaware that he was kissing a goats head, with a man's body attached, instead of me. I cleared my throat to get his attention. He opened his eyes and screamed and jumped back upon seeing the Puca's goat head.
"Am I interrupting something?" I asked him coldly.
"But-you-..y-you we're ju-?"
"Did you really think you could pull this off without someone noticing?" I asked him. He was still extremely confused and panic-stricken. "You thought that no one would notice this sneaky little clause in law about the tieth? About something completely different?" He was starting to understand, slowly but surely. "You thought you could trick me into marrying you, and we wouldn't notice and plan accordingly?"
"You-you" he stammered, trying to regain himself, "How dare you! How dare you fling such insults and accusations at me!" He bellowed, his claws peeking out of his hands.
"Did you, or did you not, just grab and assault a women who you assumed was a mated female from her mate, who mind you, both have more power in their hands than you do in your entire body,  because you thought you had political impunity?"
"For the tieth!" He shouted, "the power had blinded me and-"
"No," I said simply, glaring at him.
"No?"he asked flabbergasted
"No. The power didn't blind you, you had but a sip."
The other high Lord's still stood with their weapons drawn.
"You, legitimately believed, that by slipping a clause in a law, that I, the high Lady of the night court, would be forced to marry you. That no one could stop you, that-"
"I just wanted to protect you!" He roared, his claws coming all the way off.
"Protect me?" I scoffed. "Do your subjects know what you did all those years ago? Do they know why the spring court allied with Hybern in the first place? Or were you too scared to tell them?"
"THAT IS ENOUGH!" He bellowed, shooting a line of power out from his body, going full beast.
"Do they know that their lord, who rebuilt them from ashes he brought to them first hand, turned a blind eye while I starved and slowly died in your home?"
"Do they know how the 'dark and scary' king of the night had to come save me from your grasps, only for you to Ally with the most dangerous male in the world to trick me in coming back to your home? I bet they don't, or, well, didn't. They sure know now." I growled
"And you have the audacity to attempt to enslave me again, to protect me?"
"TO BREAK-to break the curse Feyre!" He slowly morphed back into man
"Curse?" I asked him, "What curse?"
"M-my high priestess said that-that it was possible he had you under a curse the whole time and-"
"How. Dare. You." I growled at the lump of a man before me. "You didn't learn anything, did you? From the war, the solitude, any of it? No, you still think the world revolves around you."
"We were so in love Feyre, I didn't think it was possible you could have really been in love with..with him."
He was on the ground, so I crouched to meet his eyes.
"You fell in love with a human, willing to marry a wood chipper son to feed her sisters some Godsdamned  bread"
A larger thunk came from behind me.
"I never thought I'd say this but," Tamlin sighed," where have you been! For God's sake, control your woman!" He shouted at my mate.
"First off tam-tam," he said, slipping his hands In his pockets, "I was giving my mate a chance to shine, something I know you would never be able to understand, I pity the poor woman who marries you. Second, did you just tell me to control my woman?" The other high Lord's were sitting again. Lucian was even reclined in his chair, sipping wine as if our argument was a theatre performance he was attending.
"I think you very well know by now," Rhys said smoothly as Tamlin slowly arose from the ground and seemed to be pushed up an invisible wall, "that there is no controlling an Archeron sister, and any poor fool who ignores that fact is a dead man." I almost laughed and I swore I could hear Cassian chuckling from his position at the back of the stage.
Tamlin fell the few feet from his place in the air but managed to land on his feet. He shifted into his beast as he ran at us but only bounced back off our shields. The crowd laughed.
"YOU HAVE RUINED ME!" He shouted at us, bearing his claws. "YOU RUINED ME!"
"No Tamlin, you did this all to yourself."
Cassian walked up to us, knowing we needed to leave before he tried to strike us again. He touched Rhys's shoulder, and we prepared to winnow.
"Goodnight Tamlin."
And we winnowed off. 

"Seriously Rhys?" Cassian said cracking up as we approached the back kitchen doors, "there is no controlling an Archeron sister, and any poor fool who ignores that fact is a dead man?" He fell victim to another spout of laughter.
"What?" Rhys laughed, "I'm not wrong am I?"
"I swear I am going to kill you two if Nesta doesn't get to you first." I signed pushing open the back door. Az, Amren, and Mor were standing impatiently right inside.
"So..."Mor said, mouth full of pastry, " how did it go?"
"Let's just say that I was this close to pinning Tamlin down and dissecting his balls," Rhys said grabbing the rest of the pastry from his cousin's hand.
"Oh please, " I said, "they're so small you couldn't find them to dissect." The boys laughed.
"So, it went well I take it?" Amren said.
"Yes, it went well. Is everything in order?"
"Yes," Mor said, "we have city guards at the front of the building ready to winnow workers and citizens to Velaris."
"Good!" Az said and properly stood up from where he was leaning on the bags, "then let's get the hell out of here. I want to see my fiancee!"
"Oh my God's!" I exclaimed, "I haven't told Elain I'm pregnant!"
"Just one more thing to look forward to love," Rhys said, kissing my head. Mor still sitting on the suitcases, we all joined hands and Rhys and I winnowed us back to over the icy mountains and home to the city of the dreamers.

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