Part 17: A Day of News

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AN: I haven't written this in over a year, so I apologize for any tone, dialect, or syntax change present. Thank you for sticking with me this long. Much love

There isn't a good way to explain the lightness I felt when I awoke the next morning. Waking up in the spring court felt like shoving cinderblocks off my feet and even yesterday, waking up had a certain heaviness to it. Today though--Today felt like the final moments in the air, just before you land. Things were starting to feel normal again.

Well-- Almost normal. There was still that glorious flutter, that heart-shattering flutter in my abdomen. I could still feel it. I never want to stop feeling it.

When I finally opened my eyes, Rhys was looking at me. His eyes shifted up to mine along with his body as he pulled me even closer to him.

Morning darling he almost muttered.

Good morning. He sat up and shifted me onto his lap, brushing my hair out of my eyes.

Sleep well? I leaned my forehead against his.

You have no idea, I said down the bond and planted a light kiss, light as my sleep, on his lips.

Mm I think I might?--hands roaming my back--

I dunno, do you? --slowly moving down--

I have a sneaking suspicion --further-

Why don't you show me then? --further-- 
Only later, after we had our fun, did Rhys tell me our day plans.

"What time is she coming?" I said though the bathroom door.

"Noon, but I have to meet with the captain of the city guard before then."

"and me?" I said, pulling a sweater over my head. He came into our bathroom, leaning on the door.

"They are not expecting both of us, but if you wish to come, it would be helpful." he walked towards me, pulling me closer by the waist, "But I thought, since you've been so busy the past few days, you might want to take the morning to tell Elian."

"Shit!" I said, "I haven't told Elain." Rhys let out a little laugh.

"Yes, I thought that might be important."

"Okay, I'll stay here and tell her. You'll be back by noon though?"

"Of course. I wouldn't miss it for the world." After a brief moment of bushing lips, he said, "Do you want me to send for Nesta too?"

"No," I said, "She--um, she already figured it out."


"She's still working on it," I said, glancing down. He tilted my head up.

"I know. I don't expect her to, well, be one of us suddenly, but...I wish you could have gotten to tell her.

"I do too"

I had no clue how to tell Elain. On one hand, I was excited to tell her, she's going to be an aunt after all, but she and Az had just gotten engaged. The last thing I wanted to do was to overshadow her. It had taken her so long to simply be okay living, and even longer to acknowledge her feelings. If it did hurt her, she would never admit it, she didn't have that kind of backbone. And with her being a seer, the chances of her already knowing...I couldn't even think that far ahead. I was wrapped with nerves when she walked into the living room, where I was already parked on the couch.

I stood as she walked towards me. Elian almost knocked me back onto the couch with her bear hug.

"Feyre, you have to tell me everything!" She exclaimed as she pulled back, "Az told me a bit, did you make him cry, did he lose his---What's wrong?"

Tiny tears were flowing from my eyes. I couldn't say why if I wanted to. She wiped the tears from my eyes and I let out a little laugh.

"Here sit down, I have some news for you."

"What is it, did something happen. Did things not go as well over there?" She pulled me down by the hand.

"No, No its nothing like that, All good things."

"Well by the mother, Feyre, tell me"

"Elain," I said looking in her eyes, filled with worry." I'm Pregnant." The worry that had been in her eyes moments before vanished as they lit up like the moon's reflection in the Sidra. She squealed as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Holy Mother, you really had me scared there for a minute, I thought Tamlin had done something." She laughed

"He has." Said a voice from the door. I looked up to see Rhys, leaned up against the door frame. He looked troubled, his eyes darker than they had been this morning. Before he could say anything I stood up and went to him. He took my hand and pulled me into the hall.

"Rhys, what is it?" I asked urgently, but he kept looking down. "Rhys, what happened?" A tear fell down his cheek. I quickly wiped it away. "Rhysand, please...Please tell me."

"The Puca." He whispered, "They're dead."

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