Part 14: Refugees

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Rhys was already gone when I awoke the next morning, but he clearly had not been gone for long. A steaming cup of coffee and a few biscuits stat on the bedside table, a small not on the plate. 

Darling, It read, The refugees have arrived downtown and some fae have made quite a scene downtown because of it. The refugees, of course, are frightened and confused. Please join me ASAP.  Love, the most dashing of them all, your mate 

I scoffed at Rhys's note. His humor never does seem to fail him. Stretching my arms, I threw my legs over the bed and stood. As soon as my body was upright, the morning sickness hit me like a tsunami. I was immediately bent over the toilet, expelling my insides. I suppose I will need to get used to this, I thought, wiping the vomit off the corner of my mouth. I picked out some professional enough clothes, a pair of popular flowy grey pants and a matching crop top, and strolled out into the hallway.
Upon first glance, the house was already empty, noticeable mostly from the lack of the males roaring laughter, but when I walked into the kitchen, I found quite the opposite.

Nesta sat at the kitchen table, sipping a mug of mulled wine, starting contently out the window. Nesta hated the river house, hated it so much that it was suspicious enough to see her here in the early hours of the morning. Before I could say anything she announced, " I came to see Elain, if that's what you're wondering." She turned around slowly, staring me dead on, "but I found the house empty when I arrived. Or at least, I thought it to be empty. I suspected you were off saving the day with your mate."

"Rhys is a sensitive little Illyrian baby and didn't dare to wake me." I giggled sliding into a seat in front of her, "but yes I should be off with him."

"Calming down all the confused bitches I saw on the way up here, I suppose?" I nodded. "What the hell did you all do in the spring court to require us taking asylum seekers."

"First off," I sighed, "We are not required to take asylum seekers, nor do we feel guilty enough to do so. We have always allowed fae in crisis to join us."

"But you caused the crisis, right?"

"Yes, we did." I said, standing up, "We uncovered a plot, one attempting to kidnap me and probably other girls Tamlin finds to his pleasure, and we did so very publicly."

"Well...good job, take the bitch down." I stood to leave and join Rhys in the city, but Nesta followed up, "Speaking of good news, when were you going to tell me you were with child?"

I gave her a soft smile, "when the time was right" and with that, I winnowed to the city square.

The spring fae stood out so drastically against my own citizens. Their modest, but bright and rather plain, clothes seamed to scream against the dark tones and reveling styles of my own. I looked up from the sea of people to see Rhys standing on a little platform trying to ease their minds, but little was being done. I winnowed up to the stage, and the spring fae quickly fell silent. Rhys slid his hand into mine and I began to address the crowd.
"I know you are frightened," I said, "I know this is not your home, and you don't even know where your home is anymore, with the treacherous acts brought forth from your own court. I know because that's how I felt 9 years ago when I first came to live here." My citizens had called quiet to listen as well, "I know how confused you are by my citizens and the culture that thrives here, I know you are scared because it was likely what you were taught to be wrong. I know how you feel, but do not fear," I announced, "you are in good hands here. We will not harm you and we will see that no harm comes to you by those who wish to. We only wish to help, and it would be much easier if you all would cooperate so we can identify you as to keep you safe."

"There are booths around the square," Rhys started, "with city guards ready to help you fill out identification forms, so we can find you a place to stay until you get on your own two feet. There are volunteers around as well ready to help answer questions and provide assistance. We know it's much colder up here than you are used too, so there are also booths with warmer clothes and hot drinks. If you could please make your way towards these individuals in a calm manner so we can start the process, that would be a great help". They began to shuffle in different directions. Rhys turned to me on the stage and pulled me into his arms

Good morning darling. How are you feeling?

Still a bit sick from this morning, but better.

Good, because we are going to have our work cut out for us today.

I know, I planted a kiss on his cheek and turned to walk off the stage into the sea of refugees.

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