Part 6: The Ball Part 2

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I quickly found Mor a few bottles of wine and sent her back upstairs. Rhys had told me that keeping the mating bond from me was physically painful at times, especially in the beginning, so I knew she shouldn't be down there. I suppose it was even more of a reason to go home right then and there, but I couldn't bring myself to. We wouldn't let the spring court have that satisfaction.
Upon returning to my seat, Rhys gave me a funny look.
Don't worry. Nothings wrong, she's just going through some stuff.
Are you su-
Yes, I'm sure. It's not my place to tell you. It's hers.
People were conversing all around us. Tamlin was in deep conversation with the man to his right and Tarquin about what seemed to be aquatic equestrian life. To my right, Cass, Lucian, and Helion were talking about their recent adventures (and by adventures we mean the houses they accidentally destroyed in the past year) and Amren and Varian had vanished quite completely. I looked away from Rhys and tuned into the conversation just in time to hear Lucian,
"Azriel, I hear that in the summer you and Elian will wed?" Azriel looked down at his stake and let out a sigh.
"Yes, yes we will." He braced himself for bad news, but instead, Lucian said,
"Good. I'm glad that she's happy." Cass tried not to spew wine everywhere out of shock but ended up watering the centerpiece. Az looked shocked too but took it much more gracefully.
"Oh, she is. I don't remember her being this happy since Nesta rejoined civilization. She's already planning the flowers."
"Of course she is."
Now that is one selfless male. Rhys said down the bond.
You were willing to do that for me.
Did I ever imply that I am also not selfless and amazing? Not to mention very good in-
Tamlin stood up, bringing both of us out of our daze. He clinked his silver spoon against his wine glass as the whole room fell silent.
"Members of the spring court, high lords, and guests," he addressed the room at large. "Welcome to my home and the Annual Calanmai Ball." Scattered applause thundered around the room. "Tonight is a special night. Not only is it our 5th annual ball since the reconstruction, but it serves another purpose. Tomorrow night at the Great Rite, I will pick a wife to stand beside me through it all, honor her court, and perhaps someday bare my children." More clapping. Some whoops and shouts from the ladies in the audience. "Tonight I will meet all those lucky ladies who may place their hand in the game. So please! Dance, eat drink and be merry!"
The band started playing and people rushed out to the dance floor. Tamlin himself stood up with his thugs and walked onto the floor where he was greeted by many eager young girls.
He's just like those Kings in old mortal tales, hosting a competition to wed?
I know right? It's kinda creepy.
Kinda? Try very.
I let out an audible laugh, confusing many at the table, but I let it slide right off my back. Rhys stood and extended his hand to me.
"Feyre darling, may I have this dance?"
I took his hand and rose from my chair. My hand floated to my stomach without me even noticing.
"Of course love." He guided me away from the table and towards the band. As we neared the conductor, he whispered something in his ear and slipped him a banknote. I couldn't help but laugh as the conductor stopped the song and cued up another. As the cello grew, Rhys lead me out into the middle of the floor. He immediately swept me off my feet and into a dance I barely knew.
Follow my lead.
So I did. As the violin crept into the music, he swept me around the floor in broad elegant steps. Fae soon started scattering to give us room. The music picked up and so did we. We began to dance with such fury I was afraid we might leave sparks behind, but even with the strength, we glided like a gentle stream. A viola began to dance across the water we were creating, as we continued to flow across the room. He put his hands around my waist and lifted me in the air for a moment before we were gliding again. As the music picked up to its peaking final notes, Rhys suddenly spun me out and dipped me in his arms upon my return. And with that final note, he kissed me in front of every court. And I kissed him back. The very mother could be watching, but neither of us would have cared.
People began clapping for our dance.
When we arose we both gave small little bows to the room. Off to our left, Tamlin looked furious, but I didn't care. I had Rhys next to me and we were investible then.
The next song began to play and we took on a much more simple dance, one we could talk through and blend into the crowd with.
Show off
Did you expect anything less?
Even in our heads, we were quiet for a moment, until he pulled me in closer to him and I rested my head on his shoulder.
Sometimes, he said, when I look at you, I feel like if I don't hold you, kiss you, be with you right then and there, I'll implode. I know it doesn't make sense but- I leaned up and kissed him slowly. He took one of his hands from the small of my back and cupped my cheek as we continued to sway around the room. When we broke away, I muttered down the bond I get it. I feel it too.
We were silent for a moment as we drifted. His hand fell from my cheek and rested over my abdomen. Right where our child was growing.
Our child. There was truly a child growing in my stomach, using my energy to grow and develop. I wonder if he or she would be an Illyrian. I could almost imagine chanting around a little guy with wings around the river house. A tear fell from my eye at the thought. Rhys leaned down and kissed the tear from my cheek.
Sorry, I'm just thinking...I can't believe I'm really carrying our baby.
I can't either.
As the song ended, Lucian approached us.
"Can I cut in?" He asked Rhys. I could feel Rhys grow tense through the bond. Normally he wouldn't be jealous and protective of me because of our friend. But I knew it wasn't his fault. I gave him a little nod and he backed off. Lucan took my hand and we began to dance.
"What's going on Lucan?" I asked him as we danced out of earshot from the majority of the guests.
"I have to warn you."
"Of what?" He spun me around.
" You can't go to the rite tomorrow. It's dangerous."
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Look, I know Tamlin, and this isn't the type of thing he would broadcast to all of Pytherian." He said, " It's a trap I'm telling you."
"Lucian, I don't know." I sighed, "I know he's desperate and hates us, but I don't think he would stoop the low."
"You can believe what you want, but I was looking at some documents after you all ran off and he changed the law. The rite is now legally binding."
"Anyone he chooses for the rite tomorrow night becomes his wife under spring court rule."
I was a little shocked. Apparently Tamlin was in a worse place than we thought.
"Well...I'll talk to Rhys. We'll try to leave by tomorrow night."
The song ended and my old friend bowed to me and walked back into the crowd in the place we used to call home.

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