Part 5: The Ball

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The ballroom was packed with High Fae from all over Pyrithian. They swept across the ballroom in their elegant dresses and suits, flowing to the rhythm of the string band playing on the small stage.
When we walked in, two guards on either side of the doors slammed their staffs. The one on the left declared in a big booming voice, "The high lord of the Night Court." They slammed their staffs again. Rhys looked to the announcer and gave a little cough, prodding his head towards me. They slammed their staffs for the third time and declared, "And the High Lady of the Night Court." Before they could slam their sticks again, Rhys pointed to our family behind us. "And the Night Court Delegation." They slammed their staffs a final time as we began to ascend down the stairs into the ballroom. People gave us mixed looks on the ballroom floor. Some were glaring at us like we were coming to take over their court and kill their wives. Some, however, beamed at me with joy and pride. It dawned on me then that I would spend much of the night addressing my former citizens.
"I think you have a few admirers darling," Rhys muttered to me as we worked our way across the room to the large head table.
"It appears so. After all," I said, "I am cauldron-blessed." He pulled me closer and brought his hand from my back to my stomach.
"It appears you are Feyre darling."
The head table sat at the very front of the ballroom, in front of a magnificent stained glass window that was not here when I resided in these halls. Tamlin, and who I assumed were his new advisors sat on either side of him. I couldn't help but note the three guards he had stationed behind his large chair. Who are you afraid of Tamlin?
The other high lords in front of us all stopped in front of the high lord of spring and greeted him, even Tarquin, but we simply strode over to our seats. Tamlin has placed us right next to himself, with no barrier between us other than the advisor.
Yah, I don't think so. Rhys said down the bond, as he switched our name cards. Tamlin gaped at him for a moment before returning to his conversation. Before we took our seats however, Rhys interrupted him again.
"It appears that you have not provided seats for my family, at your table, High Lord" Tamlin turned to him, a look of sheer annoyance on his face.
"Ah, yes. The guests are sitting at a separate table."
"No, they aren't." Rhys slid his hands into his pockets as the table grew a considerable amount of feet and 4 chairs, two fit for Illyrian wings appeared before it, "My family, dines where I dine." Rhys pulled my chair out for me as we all sat down. Tamlin looked like he was about to explode. I tried to stay calm as his claws began reaching out, but my hand shot for Rhys's under the table. I could feel his cool temper rising in him as they had a bit of a staredown. The whole table grew silent and watched the boys. After a moment Tamlin went back to conversing with Tarquin. The whole ballroom jumped back to life.
Did I mention, Rhys said, that Fae males tend to get very territorial and overprotective when their mates are pregnant?
You did not, I said back, but honestly, right now, I don't mind.
I never thought I would hear you say those words Feyre darling.
Well, we learn something new every day, don't we?
"Um hello, guys?" Mor said, clinking her spoon against her glass, "Out-loud please?"
"Oh, right sorry," I said to her.

As the band went on break for dinner and the waiters started going around, Helion and Lucian took their places in front of us at the table. Rhys and I stood to greet them.
"Rhys, my male." Helion said, grasping his hand and patting his back, "Fayre, how are you?"
"Well, I'm here, so..." I said. Helion let out a bellowing laugh as he took his seat. When we sat, I found our chairs even closer, as Rhys slipped his hand around my waist.
"By the way," Helion whispered, "Congratulations." Fear flooded my body and face alike. My walls immediately shot up as I scooted closer to Rhys, who in turn moved his arm further around me and put a hand on my thigh. Could he smell it on me? Was I showing?
"Don't worry. Tam's much too daft to smell it." Helion said.
"What?" Tamlin said hearing his name.
"Oh nothing, just chatting about the festivities".
I relaxed slightly, but if Helion could smell it, others could too.

A waitress made her way up to the high table not long after. She started on the other end of the table, summoning food from midair.
"What type of magic might she have to do that?" I asked Rhys quietly.
"She's likely a summoning spirit of some kind. Otherwise, she may have magic similar to ours, but if she did, she wouldn't be stuck in this job."
As she made her way down the table, Mor became increasingly anxious. I thought maybe it was because she didn't know what wine to order, but when the waitress reached Tamlin, Mor shot up faster than winnowing.
"Feyre." She breathed quickly. "Can I have a word?" I nodded as I slowly stood up. She grabbed my hand and rushed me away from the head table and onto the dance floor. It wasn't like Mor to act like this. She was good at hiding her emotions until she had time to deal with them. Something was seriously wrong.
"'Mor, what's going on?"
"That waitress......She's my Mate"

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