Part 16: An Evening Beat: VALENTINE'S DAY SPECIAL

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Authors note: hey guys! I decided to write something special for Valentine's day so warning this is gonna be really fluffy and smutty. If you don't like that kind of stuff (How did you make it through acomaf?) You can just skip over this chapter, it's not going to very plot heavy. I promise I'll post more soon!

( This was supposed to be a Valentine's day special but my wifi was down. Anyway I hope you Enjoy)

Our room in the river house materialized around us as we winnowed in. Rhys planted a quick kiss on my lips before he strolled over to the dresser to find new clothes. As I followed him to my own dresser, I noticed the pain in my back that had begun to form in recent days. It was a new feeling, unlike any pain I had felt during training or any soreness I had ever felt after a particularly interesting night. It was like someone was pressing their hands over my ovaries and spreading them further apart.

"Mmh, I should probably see Madja tomorrow to get more information," I said as I pulled out some silky sleep shorts. " I don't want to do anything to hurt the baby, and anyway I barely know anything about pregnancy. Like how careful do I have to be? Can I keep flying? Will using too much magic hurt the baby?"
"I honestly have no idea," Rhys said, taking my hand, "It's been so long since anyone I've known has been pregnant, I only know the bare minimum."
How in the world am I going to raise child when I know nothing about pregnancy, I thought. Why didn't I think to read up on it, even a little bit, I mean I knew this would happen someday. I'm already a terrible mothe-
No, you're not. Rhys said through the bond. Don't even think that for a second. You are going to be an incredible mother.
He kissed me, lightly on the lips. Soft but lingering, like his good morning kisses.
"Now, let's see what we can do about that back."
"I didn't even-"
" Your shields are down, You're that exhausted." He drawled as he walked into the bathroom, steam already leaking out. Admittedly he was right. I had kept my fatigue at Bay, but now that I was home I could feel the arches of my feet barking and my head felt lighter.
Rhys was rummaging through the cabinets when I walked in. The counter around him was already covered with salves and creams for everything from muscle aches to joint pain. I almost moaned when I realized he had already run a hot bath. The bathtub in our bathroom was almost a small pool. It was large enough for two bodies and sets of wings. I willed my clothes away and stepped into the tub. The warm water enveloped me, soothing my sore body. Footsteps padded up behind me as I closed my eyes and rested my head on the lip of the tub.
Rhys's fingers ran through my hair, rubbing my temples. I let out a little sigh. His soft lips brushed each of my temples, my forehead, nose, and the corners of my mouth before I craned my neck back to find his lips. Even with the hot bath surrounding me, I could feel my core warming. He pulled away and waded into the tub. I wanted him to pounce on top me that second, but he had other plans. He kissed me lightly on the lips as he grabbed a salve he had placed on the soap dish.

He rubbed the pain relaxer into the soles of my feet as he kissed my calves. His member was poking up, out of the water.  His hands kept wandering up, moving in circles massaging the salve into my skin, kisses only getting higher. His lips were sucking on my inner thigh when he finally moved his hands to my hips and thrust me on to the lip of the tub

Thank God I thought, but he filled his hands with salve again and wrapped them around to rub into my back. His hands kept moving as he kissed each nipple, so lightly it was almost like he was never there. I whimpered, my core clenching so tight. He was rubbing circles over where my ovaries lay under my skin when he brushed over the Apex of my thighs.

I let out a moaned and cried "Rhys, please,". He lost it. He gripped my hips and went to work, causing my leg to twitch from the intensity. He moved one of his hands to tease my entrance but plunged in with a particularly loud moan from me. I was reaching my peak as he sucked on the enlarged nub. I knew I was glowing when I shouted his name, finally reaching my climax. He wasn't done with me though, he never was.

I slid back into the tub and he nudged inside me. Still shaking, I knew it wouldn't take much to send me over the edge again. I kissed him deeply, fighting his tongue for dominance. He wrapped his hands around my butt and hoisted me up out of the water. Still inside me, he carried me to our bed, setting me down like I was China. We were both just a unit of moans and grunts and we walked towards that cliff with every thrust.

"You're mine." I breathed.

I felt his cock twitch inside me as we took that leap together, screaming each others names.

My breathing was ragged as he moved off of me, and wrapped me in his arms. I turned around so I could look him in the eyes. Even after all these years, I still take pride in the fact that I can make one of the strongest Illyrian warriors in history lose his breath.

" I love you so much darling," he said, pressing a long kiss into my hair. I nuzzled his neck with my nose.  

"To the stars my love"

"To the stars."

We fell asleep like that: completely wrapped up in each other, him still half inside me, and his hands roaming over my stomach and our child laying inside.

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