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1| Moving Day

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1| Moving Day

"Excited to move to the new town?" My father asked as I clicked my seatbelt into place.

I looked at him. "Yeah I guess, I mean I haven't moved before so it'll be a new adventure," I replied, trying to smile.

As always, he could see right through me. "I know I'm uprooting your life, you have friends here but after I lost your mother- I can't stand to be in that house anymore" he said, his hand tightening on the steering wheel.

"It's okay dad, you don't have to explain because I'm with you one-hundred percent" I replied, touching his elbow softly.

"I know, I know but you've always loved it here Reena, and I feel guilty for pulling you away from this town" he said.

I turned to look out the window as my hometown passed me. "Yeah I did love it here but I'm never fully going to grow up if I don't experience the world" I replied watching the trees.

"It's a long drive, why don't you try and get some sleep" my father said as I turned my head to look at him.

He reached towards the dashboard and turned on the radio, searching for a soft station. I settled into my seat and closed my eyes.


"Hey sweetheart, wake up" I heard my father's gentle voice say.

I shook out of my dream and yawned as I sat up in the car seat. "We're here" my father said, opening the passenger door.

Turning my head, I looked at the house. It's old structure seemed to look make it look fragile and untouchable. "No one has lived in this house for over fifteen years" my father said as he opened the back door to the car.

"Is it haunted?" I asked curiously, closing my car door.

"Wouldn't know, I've been trying to look up some history on it but all it says that a young boy lived and died here" he replied, taking ahold of his bags.

I grabbed my bags as well, sliding the strap onto my shoulder. "So it's definitely haunted then" I replied, taking a deep breath.

"Ghosts aren't real, sweetheart" my father said, as he walked up the rickety stairs.

I glanced at the exterior, the peeling paint and vines that grew up the side of the house. "Just because there's no proof of that, doesn't mean they aren't real" I said as he unlocked the front door.

The front door creaked open and I surpressed a shiver. It was dark inside the house and looked double story. "Rooms are upstairs, why don't you go pick yours out while I try the electricity?" My father said, dropping his bags at the foot of the stairs.

I nodded, pulling my phone from my pocket. Turning on the torch, I climbed up the stairs slowly and wincing everytime they creaked. Making it to the second floor, I glanced down the end of the hall where a small window shone in little sun. "This isn't creepy at all" I muttered to myself.

I turned the knob to one of the doors and it swung open, revealing an empty room. I felt a sensation running down my spine and I spun around, expecting a hideous monster or my father but nothing was there. "Definitely haunted" I whispered.

I tried the other doors and only one improved my mood. It looked over a wild garden and I smiled at the sight. "Once I'm settled, you're going to be the first thing I tackle" I told the garden.

"Found a room?" My father's voice called out.

I heard his footsteps just as I slid my suitcase into the corner. "Yeah, I like this one" I replied, putting my hands on my hips as he stood in my doorframe.

"Okay, well we don't have electricity so I'll have to call the electrical company tomorrow and hopefully get them out here as soon as possible, looks like we're eating take out by candlelight" my father said smiling.

"Okay, we'll I'm just going to out my clothes into the built-in wardrobe, so let me know when we're leaving" I said.

My father nodded and paused as he was about to walk away. "I am sorry honey, maybe we can start fresh up here" he said, his face sad.

I looked a little bit like my father, he was caucasian with peppery hair, blue kind eyes and lines that marked his age. I took after my mother mostly, a lot of people who knew us both said that I could've passed as her twin. Plump lips, button nose and brown eyes with bushy brown hair.
"It's okay dad, I promise" I replied.

He nodded and left to find a room of his own. Bending down, I unzipped my suitcase and started to pull out my piles of clothes.

At the bottom of my bag, sat a photograph, protected by a silk scarf. I unwrapped the scarf and touched the photograph lightly with my fingertips. "I'll look after him mum" I said, gently.

Standing up, I placed the photograph on a shelf in the wardrobe before closing the door. "Reena! C'mon, let's get some food! I'm starving!" My father called out.

I shot one last look out the window before grabbing my phone and running down the stairs to my father.

He walked out the front door and I was just about to close the door when I heard something. My eyes widened.

"Reena" a voice whispered.

I slammed the door shut.


First chapter! Woo! I'm excited!
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Can't wait until you meet Loki!

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Lots of love, Tavana xoxoxox

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