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25| Welcome to the end times
□ Loki □

"Hey, pretty boy!" I heard a yell.

Raising an eyebrow, I turned around to  see three boys stride up to me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, worried they needed some help.

"Give me your money, and that fancy box!" The man shouted before sliding a hand into his jacket.

Silver glinted back at me and I took a step back. "Now boys, are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked, raising my hands in defense.

"Stop your bitchin and just give us your cash!" The man snapped.

The two boys behind him nodded and agreed. I sighed.

Glancing at the box in my hand, I handed it over. Reena would just have to wait until next year for a birthday present. He took it off me and I opened my hands in a gesture.

"Sorry guys, I don't carry cash, I used it all on that," I said, gesturing to the box in the guy's hand.

"Search him!" The leader ordered.

I opened my arms wide as one of his cronies stepped forward. The moment, he placed his hands on me, I kicked my knee up into his groin.  "Fuck!" The guy yelled before I grabbed him and pushed him into his friend.

The other guy came towards me, brandishing his fists but I punched him in the gut before cracking my fist over his jaw. The guy sprawled to the ground. The leader recovered from being pushed and came at me with his knife.

I eyed it carefully. I was almost human now, I could get hurt.

He swiped forward which I dodged, and smacked my fist into his wrist, causing him to drop the knife. I kicked it away quickly before ducking under the punch that had just been thrown at me.

I pushed the heel of my hand into the guy's knee until I heard a snap and popped up, head butting the poor bloke.

He cluttered to the ground, his nose bleeding.

The first guy who tried to search me, began to hobble off but I swooped down and grabbed the swiss blade.

Flicking it, it sailed through the air before lodging into his shoulder. He would live, they all would.

Bending down, I picked up Reena's birthday present and dusted it off. I glanced at all the groaning boys on the ground and sighed.

I wasn't far from the house, but there was no way I was walking that long driveway. Instead, I stepped forward into empty air and suddenly, I was standing beside her father's truck.

Trudging up the rest of the driveway and up the front steps, I knocked and waited patiently. The door opened and music spilled out into the air.

"You came!" My beautiful girlfriend exclaimed.

Her eyes were bright, happy and like everytime I saw her, I was speechless. She was dressed up for her party, the one happening inside but her luscious mouth crawled up into a smile as she saw the box in my hand.

"You didn't have to get me a present!" She added, before stepping forward.

"I would do anything for you, besides it's your birthday, the one day I can legally spoil you without any questions asked," I replied with a smile.

I stepped forward, up one step.
She was one step above me yet, she was still smaller than me in height.

I leant my head down, and almost immediately, she pressed her lips to mine. It was a chaste kiss, a promise for more later when her dad was asleep or out. "God, I love you," she whispered when we pulled apart.

"God had nothing to do with it, baby," I replied as I took her hand.

She smiled as I pressed the box into her hands. "Open it, I want your reaction all to myself," I added.

Narrowing her eyes, she looked at me.

"I hope you didn't go too overboard," she said as she pulled the silver ribbon off the box.

"Not at all, I just took what you loved and made something of it," I replied as she opened the lid.

She gasped, before picking up the silver chain. Resting right in the middle was a locket, it looked old and ancient.

"The locket was Sarah's, it was in the wreckage of the fire," I explained.

Her eyes met mine. "Open it," I urged.

With her nimble fingers, she opened the locket and pressed a hand to her mouth as she muffled her gasp. "Loki!" She squealed before jumping towards me.

I caught her and swung her around, before putting her back on her feet. "Thank you," she said, her eyes tearing up as she looked at her mother's face.

"Don't mention it, she should be with you at all times," I replied, reaching out a hamd to lift her chin.

Tears trailed down her cheeks.

"I didn't mean to make you cry, my love" I said worriedly.

Reena shook her head. "These are happy tears," she replied before leaning forward.

Our lips met and kissed me with every emotion she had. I took the necklace from her hands before pulling away.

"May I?"

She turned around and lifted the back of her hair as I placed the necklace around her neck and did it up. Dropping her hair back into place, she touched the locket lovingly.

"I love you," I said as I watched her.

"I love you more,"

Taking her hands, I pulled her towards me.
"I love you most," I replied before kissing her again.

She sighed contently, as if this was all she wanted in the world but the song in the house changed and I pulled away.

"Let's go dance," I said with a smile.

"Sure, as long as you can teach me some of your old dances," she replied as I pulled her into the house.

People from her school, Luke, and Aria littered around the house. "Hell no, they're old for a reason," I replied as she pulled me onto the dance floor.

"Nothing old that can't be loved again," she replied.


Is this the end of the story?

Well is it?

Huh, maybe not.

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Lots of love, T xoxo

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