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3|I thought you were a dream

"Hey darling, I've just told the removalists to put all the marked boxes in their respected rooms, I have to head into town to convince an electrician to come out here and give us power" My father called out from the ground floor.

I poked my head out. "Okay! Can you pick up some Chinese for lunch!" I called out.

I heard him chuckle. "I'll be back!" He replied.

The removalists were moving in and out of the house, I had started to unpack the boxes I had in my room. "Having fun?" A voice asked.

"Holy fuck!" I screamed, turning around quickly and pressing a hand to my racing heart.

"It's good to see you too" Loki replied, as he lent on my bedroom wall.

"You're real?" I asked bewildered.

Loki looked confused for a moment. "I thought you were just some crazy dream" I added.

The ghost rolled his eyes before making his to the door. "What are all these men doing in my house?" Loki asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Moving our furniture in, sorry Loki but you're stuck with us now" I replied, pulling some books out of my box.

He turned his head to look at me, studying me as I placed my books onto the shelves. "Why aren't you scared of me?" He asked, crossing his arms.

I looked up, my hair falling in my eyes. "I don't know, I mean you're see through and all that but you just seem like a regular dude to me" I replied, placing the books I had in my hands down.

"A regular dude? You realise I'm a ghost right? Only you can see me, if anyone was to walk past this room right now, they would think you're talking to yourself" he replied with disbelief.

"Well it's a step up from talking to air" I replied giving him a quick smile.

His eyes widened. "What makes you so special?" He muttered to himself.

"Well fuck you too" I replied sarcastically.

"No, that's not what I mea-" he was saying before someone walked into the room.

I looked from him to the removalist. "Sorry to bother you, your father is out and we're just wondering where you'd like this big mirror" he said kindly,

"Of course I'll show you" I said, as I started for the door.

I followed the removalist down the stairs and towards the front door. Hearing soft footsteps, I looked behind me to see Loki following us.

The mirror sat upright near the door, two men ready to lug it into place. My fingers reached up to touch the orinate frame. Smiling gently, I told the guys where to put it. "What's so special about the mirror?" Loki's voice startled me.

The removalists moved away. "It was my mother's" I whispered to him.

I turned my head to glance at him. He was standing beside the truck, peering into the house with his hands on his hips. I took the chance to study him, his sharp jaw, long nose and different century clothing. He looked at me and I looked away quickly.

"Loki, tell me something about you, how did you die?" I asked, as I walked back into the house and up the stairs.

I knew he was following me. "It's not something I like to talk about" Loki replied.

"Sorry, I don't mean to be nosy" I said, entering my room.

"It's fine" he said stiffly.

I reached my box and started to unpack again. "What do you miss most about being alive?" I asked, glancing at him as I slid more books into place.

"Smells, taste and the ability to feel someone's touch" he replied rather quickly.

I glanced over at him, stopping my efforts to unpack. "You can't smell? Taste? Feel anything?" I asked.

He crossed his arms, a dark and sad look crossing his face. "When I try to taste something it turns like ash in my mouth, I cannot smell anything, not even the roses outside, and since I'm dead, I'm incapable of feeling someone's touch" he replied, not looking at me.

The sun cast a shadow across his face as I walked over to him. I lent on the window, facing him. He turned his head to look at me. Slowly, I raised my hand, my palm facing him.

He glanced at my hand before raising his eyes to meet mine. Slowly, he raised his hand ready  to press it against my palm. He stopped, two inches away. "It's useless, I won't feel anything" he said, mostly to himself.

I moved my finger forward, the tip of my finger pressing against his. He jumped away. "What!" I exclaimed as he backed up, looking at his hand.

"I felt that, you touched me!" He exclaimed.

"I felt it to" I replied, my eyes wide.

I held out my hand. "Loki! Give me your hand" I said, quickly.

He shook his head, clutching his hand to his chest. "No, this isn't right, we aren't supposed to be able to feel each other's touch!" He exclaimed.

"I know we've only just met, but you have to trust me" I said, still holding out my hand.

His eyes bored into mine, fire meeting water. Gently and slowly, he reached his arm forward. Wincing slightly, he took my hand.

My fingers wrapped around solid flesh and Loki gasped, tears welling in his eyes. He looked up at me in wonder. "How?" He breathed out.

I looked down at our hands. "I honestly don't know" I replied, staring at our hands in wonder.

He stood up closer, grasping my hand like a lifeline. "Years, for years I haven't felt anything" he whispered to himself.

"Loki" I said gently.

He looked up, a tear falling down his cheek. Almost on instinct, I reached up and brushed it away. "It's okay, I'm here now, always going to be here, maybe we can figure this out together" I said as he slowly let go of my hand.

"Maybe" he echoed.

I watched him with wide eyes as he lifted his hand to my face. Freezing, I was unsure what to do. He cupped my cheek. "Thank you" he whispered.

"Reena! Where are you!" My father's voice called out.

I jumped away from Loki. "Coming!" I called back.

Glancing at Loki, he just shook his head. "Go, I'll be fine" he replied.

I gave him a small smile before running from the room.


Gasp! Reena can touch Loki!
And believe me you guys are so going to love them!
If you don't already.

I love Loki! ❤

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Lot's of love, Tavana xoxoxox

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