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10| Would Roses Bloom

The next day at school passed uneventful, once again. Aria had taken a liking to me and finally showed me around the school.

She told me stories and I laughed with her. She had a positive vibe and I loved it. My mind kept wandering back to this morning with Loki but then she'd tear me from my thoughts with another joke.

One class I had grown to love was History. With July 4th on it's way, the teacher was making us write about a significant movement in America. Of course I chose the American Civil War. I mean, I had a personal historian.

Clutching my information booklet, Aria offered to drive me home due to another text from my father telling me he was at work. Thankful, I jumped in with another thought.

I was going to do my history on the Peakes family in Greenville. Loki had said his father was high up within the Army so that had to mean someone was documenting him. "So are you busy this Friday night?" Aria asked, turning down the music.

"No I don't believe so" I replied, turning my head to look at her.

"Good, because I'm having a small get together for my birthday and was wondering if you'd come" she said, smiling.

I blinked. A party invite? "Uh sure, that'd be great!" I replied.

Aria grinned. "I think we're going to be good friends" she said, pulling up to my front door. 

I chuckled. "I'll see you at school tomorrow, thanks for the ride" I said, hopping out.

"Hey darl, I can pick you up at 7, your house is on the way so it won't be a bother" Aria said, leaning over the passenger seat.

I turned to look at her as I walked backwards up my stairs. "Okay then, I'll let Dad know" I replied.

She beeped her horn before driving off. I waved until she was out of sight. Unlocking the front door, I called out my father's name. No answer. I set my booklet on the table and sighed.

"Hey Loki?" I called out.

"I'm here" he replied making me jump.

I breathed out. "I'm never going to get used to that, am I?" I asked turning around.

Loki didn't smile. Frowning, I stepped forward. "Is everything okay?" I asked, concerned.

His eyes had drifted elsewhere, like ge had other things in his mind but they snapped to mine at my question. "Yes, I'm fine" he replied unfolding his arms.

My frown deepened. Pulling out a chair, I sat down and faced him. "You can talk to me Loki" I said, tilting my head.

He nodded. "I know, but I'm fine, just a bad day" he replied, not meeting my eyes.

"Oookay" I drew out before standing up.

"So I need your help" I said grabbing the booklet.

He looked at my hands. "With what?" he frowned.

I walked towards him and he took the same measured steps back. I stopped, hurt welling within me. "Loki?" I asked, confused.

He still wouldn't meet my eyes. "What do you need help with?" He asked, ignoring the plea in my voice.

"Well I was going to show you" I said, taking a step forward.

He stepped back. "Place it on the bench, I'll look at it" he said.

My hands shook and I clutched the info booklet tightly. "Have I done something wrong?" I asked, stepping back.

Loki looked troubled for a moment before raising a hand and wiping the side of his face. "No, what did you need help with?" He asked, still staring at my hands.

My hurt was slowly turning into fustration. "Why won't you look at me?" I asked, walking over to bench.

I placed the booklet down. "I don't want to talk about it" he replied.

Sighing and walking away from the booklet, Loki moved towards it. He gazed down as I sat down. "Why would you choose my family tree?" He asked, barely glancing in my direction.

"Because I find your family interesting, because I want to know about you" I replied, tying my hair up into a messy bun.

"My family is not that interesting, you should look into the Mayor's family history" he replied, curtly.

"Okay enough, what's going on with you?" I exclaimed.

He took a deep breath. "I've been trying to make this easier for you, but I'm leaving and for real this time" he said finally looking at me.

"What?" I asked surprised.

"I've organized to haunt with someone else, so the house will be Loki free" Loki said, his face not matching his tone.

"Is this about what happened last night? Look if it was that big of a de-" I was saying before he cut me off.

"No! It's nothing to d- do with that, well yes and no, look Reena I'm a ghost and I'm dead and you are alive and that's the way things are supposed to be!" He exclaimed.

I crossed my arms. "So you're spooked because I kissed you?" I asked bewildered.

"I'm not spooked, I just think it's wrong, it was not supposed to happen and I didn't want it to happen!" He exclaimed.

I gasped. "If that's how you feel than maybe it's best you do leave!" I exclaimed back.

Loki shook his head. "No this is all wrong, I don't want to fight with you, I- uh I can't be with you the way you want" he replied.

Not even realising it, I reached up and brushed an angry tear from my eyes. "Than go! You obviously want to! So just go!" I exclaimed.

Loki's eyes widened as he stared at me. A sob left me as I wrapped my arms around myself. Why was he affecting me so much. He was just a ghost, I wasn't even supposed to see him.

Why was I clinging onto him? Why was I angry that he was leaving?
"Reena" he said softly, stepping forward.

"Just go!" I cried out.

The ball of hurt exploded and washed across my body. God, even the dead don't want to love me. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry" Loki said softly.

He pulled something from the inside of his vest. An in full bloom rose, it's red petals sparkling at me.
The moment he put it on the bench and let go, the petals closed up.

"If this rose blooms than you know I will be close by, and if you ever need help in anything like an emergency, touch the necklace and think of me" he said, sadly.

I wiped at my eyes. "I'm sorry" he apologised again.

Blinking, one moment he was there and the other he was gone. In an angry rush, I undid the necklace and hurled it away from me.
It clattered along the ground, sliding underneath the lounge.

He was just a damn ghost.


You could say that Loki is now... ghosting her?
I'll show myself out.

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Lot's of love, Tavana xx

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