Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Loki, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling! Have fun!

It was morning and Loki had been awake for a while when he shook Haraldr to wake him up. Haraldr stretched groggily and yawned. 

"We have something important to do today. Wake up little one." Loki whispered. "I'm going to officially make you my son" 

"Dada?" Harald asked.

"That's right. I will be your dad completely by blood."

Loki dressed himself and Haraldr in simple white tunics used for rituals and went to meet the healers. They had gathered all the ingredients and were ready to start when they arrived. 

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The healer in charge asked. "Once it is done it is permanent, it can't be undone."

Loki looked at Haraldr and a soft smile formed on his face. "I'm sure."

"Ok. To begin you need both Haraldr and you to stand in the circle facing each other. Then you need to use this knife to cut a line on both of your hands." She held out an ornate knife with a green jewel in the pommel. "Next you will need to press the palms of your hands together and say 'I, Loki Odinson, claim this child as my own through blood and heart.' Then Haraldr will need to say 'I, Haraldr Lokison, accept your claim as my father.' This is your last chance to change your mind. Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Very sure." Loki said. He looked over at Haraldr who seemed to be grasping the conversation. Haraldr nodded and smiled up to Loki. They followed the steps the healer gave them and completed their vows. As soon as Haraldr finished the word 'father' he collapsed to the ground, unconscious. 

Loki went to the healers and started yelling. "WHAT HAPPENED? IS HE OK? I THOUGHT THIS RITUAL WAS SUPPOSED TO BE SAFE!"

"Calm down your Highness. This is completely natural after a ritual like this. He fell asleep to allow his body to make changes in appearance and magical capacity. Depending on the power he is inheriting and the number of changes being made, he should be asleep for one to two days." the healer said calmly. Loki took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"Is it safe for me to move him to my rooms?" Loki asked.

"It is perfectly fine. It is just as if he is in a deep sleep."

Loki picked up Haraldr carefully and brought him to the bed that Frigga supplied for him. "Wake up soon little one" he whispered. As the hours passed Loki remained by his bed with a book glancing up every few minutes to see if he was alright. It took him by surprise how attached he was to Haraldr as he had never felt like this about anything before. The only times that came close were when he was younger with his brother or when he was with his mother. One day grew into two and two turned to three and Loki was getting nervous. Even the healers did not expect it to take this long when finally Haraldr woke up. Loki looked at him, really looked, and saw several changes. For one, he was taller than a normal two year old should be thanks to his new Æsir heritage. His hair that had been extremely messy and unable to be tamed fell in smooth waves that went to his shoulders. His eyes that had been a vibrant green turned a bright blue-green color. Finally, the power that Loki could sense radiating off him before was now magnified many times. He was more powerful than most Æsir children, some adults, and definitely any Midgardian wizard. He took Haraldr and placed him in front of a mirror so he could see the changes that had taken place. When he saw his reflection he clapped and giggled just like the infant he was. 

"I love you so much my little prince" Loki whispered.

A/N: I know this chapter is shorter but I felt like it was a good place to end it. I most likely won't be able to update until Wednesday however if I can finish the third chapter by tomorrow I will post it. I will try and work on it during lunch but my schedule is completely packed.  Chapter 3 will most likely be around 1000 words again. Thanks for reading this far! Once again contact me if you have any suggestions or ideas! 

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