Chapter 15

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Avengers, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling!

Haraldr woke up the next day feeling like a huge weight was off of his chest. His friends now knew the truth about him and he wasn't continually lying to them. He thought that if he told them they would act differently somehow. Treat him differently for not being human. Instead, they acted the same way and he had gained a friend. He got ready for the day quickly, hoping to be able to spend as much time with his friends as possible. Because he hadn't really had a friend before, he was terrified of losing the ones he had made. At breakfast, Draco and Blaise were already sitting at the table. Hermione was sitting with the Gryffindors but waved at them from across the room. Breakfast passed quickly, Haraldr, Draco, and Blaise talking the entire time. Finally, it was time for class. Today they were starting with Herbology. As they made their way to the greenhouse, Hermione joined them. As they were walking she started talking at a very fast pace.

"You'll never believe what happened to me last night" she started, "Because we were talking late, we stayed out past curfew. I was making my way to the dormitory when I heard Mr. Filch. I knew I just couldn't get caught, I might have been expelled. I ran away from him, not knowing exactly where I was going when I came upon a locked door. Mr. Filch was close behind me so I used the new spell we learned, Alohomora, to unlock the door. However, once I got inside, there was a three-headed dog! A Cerberus, I think. Not only that, it was standing on a trapdoor! It's guarding something! Do any of you know what it could be?"

"No clue. Maybe we should go check it out tonight?" Draco asked, looking very curious.

"No way! It's dangerous and we might get in trouble!" Hermione retorted.

They finally reached the greenhouse just as class was about to start. Haraldr mouthed to Hermione, Draco, and Blaise that they would be continuing the conversation later. Hermione just rolled her eyes. The class was about a plant called Devil's Snare. According to Professor Sprout, it entangled people in its vines and killed them. The only defence against it was bright light or sunshine. There was a similar plant on Asgard called Hel's Snare. Haraldr thought it was kind of funny that instead of Hel, it was the devil. They were both similar enough he supposed.


The groups next class was, unfortunately for Haraldr, potions. Professor Snape just did not like him and he could not figure out why. The man was always sneering at him as he did to the Gryffindors. No many how many potions he perfected, it was never good enough for Snape. The four of them sat near each other at the lab benches. Draco and Haraldr partnered like always and so did Hermione and Blaise. According to the recipe on the board, today they were making the invisibility potion. This potion was slightly more complex and did not work completely like it was supposed to unless it was perfect. Draco set off to get the ingredients and Haraldr set the fire under the cauldron. He let Draco lead the way for this potion, considering he had never learned it before. On Asgard, he had no need for it as he could turn invisible at will. It took about an hour before the potion was coming to an end. It appeared to be almost exactly like Professor Snape's potion, if not perfect. Haraldr and Draco walked up together to turn in the potion and Professor Snape rolled his eyes.

"I only need one of you," Professor Snape said in his slow drawl "Malfoy, return to your seat please."

Draco sent a look to Haraldr, apologizing for leaving him, and walked back to the desk.

Professor Snape turned to Haraldr and said "You need to test the potion to make sure it works. For every part of you that doesn't turn invisible, you lose points. Quickly now."

Haraldr, resigned to his fate because the same thing happened almost every day, threw back the potion and drank it in one gulp. Slowly but surely, he began to turn invisible until every square centimeter was covered. Professor Snape looked highly annoyed that the potion hadn't backfired somehow.

"It appears that your partner work with Draco benefits you more than him. There is no way you could accomplish this on your own. Return to your seat Potter." Professor Snape growled. All of a sudden, an idea popped into Haraldr's brain. Invisibility was perfect for pranking. Haraldr went back to his desk and waited until a few more students turned invisible from the potion. Being the prankster that he was, Haraldr always carried a few prank potions with him. Reaching into the bottom of his bag, he pulled out a color-changing potion. Haraldr set the mode to red and gold colored hair and slowly snuck up behind Professor Snape. Holding his breath, he dumped the whole potion upside down on Professor Snape's head. The whole permanent potion. It was a top-notch Asgardian potion typically used for the ladies wanting a change. Completely resistant to both muggle and wizarding hair color removal ways, the only way for Professor Snape's hair to turn back to normal would be for it to grow back in that way. Haraldr then used his Asgardian powers to teleport to his seat. Professor Snape turned to the class, furious, and demanded to know who did it. He used the cancelling spell for the potion over the whole class and found everyone in their seats, right where they were supposed to be.

"Which one of you did this?!" Professor Snape all but yelled to the class.

No one said a word.

A/N: It's been forever since I've updated this story and I feel like an awful person. 😭 I'm really sorry but everything got very busy suddenly and I couldn't find time to update. I should update in the next week or two though. Thanks for reading! I really appreciate all the veiws, favorites, and reviews I've gotten. Thanks again!

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