Chapter 12

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, the Avengers, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling!

Haraldr turned around quickly. He had heard the footsteps behind him but had thought they wouldn't bother him considering Blaise and Draco had gone ahead and he didn't know anyone else. The person who had tapped him on the shoulder was that redheaded boy, Ronald. The same one from the family who tried to manipulate him and take his money. He was going to turn around and head the other way when Ronald opened his mouth and started to talk.

"Harry! Even though you're in slimy Slytherin we can still be friends! I know you were supposed to be in Gryffindor and the hat made a mistake! We should go talk to Dumbledore about a resorting so you can be where you belong. You don't need to pretend to be friends with those Death Eaters any longer!"

The look on Haraldr's face turned from annoyed to positively icy.

"There are a couple things wrong with what you just said" Haraldr started. "First, you do not have permission to address me as a friend. You should call me either Heir Potter or Mr. Potter. Secondly, the hat did not make a mistake and I am right where I am supposed to be. And lastly, do not insult my friends. They're better people than you could ever hope to be."

Ron was left with his mouth open, staring at Haraldr.

"Did you honestly expect me to take you up on your offer?" Haraldr said with a look of disgust on his face. He quickly left him and grabbed his things from the dorms. Checking the time, he noticed that he was running late. He ran up and down stairs and through hallways, out to the grounds, and to the greenhouse, barely making it on time. Draco and Blaise turned to look at him.

"I ran into Weasley. He was pestering me about being in the wrong house and making bad friends." Herbology passed with nothing exciting happening. Haraldr enjoyed the class, comparing the plants they had on Midgard and on Asgard. Some of the plants that they had covered seemed to be less potent versions of some of the plants on Asgard. Take Devil's Snare, for example, it was very similar to another plant on Asgard, however, the Asgardian version did not have a weakness for sunlight.

The last class of the day was history with Professor Binns. Haraldr, Draco, and Blaise got there early and picked seats in the front. Haraldr had found history fascinating on Asgard. There were tales of glorious battles and incredible feats. He thought it was one of the most important subjects to cover so people did not repeat mistakes that had been made in the past. However, he was highly disappointed with the class. He had heard bad things about it from other students but he had thought that was just them whining. The class was truly awful. Professor Binns talked in a monotone voice for the entire class about the goblin wars. He had never thought anyone could make a war boring. Haraldr looked around at his classmates. Some of them were falling asleep and some were whispering. Professor Binns didn't notice a thing. When they were finally released from the class, it seemed like much more time had passed than actually had.


The first class they had the next day was Defense Against the Dark Arts. Haraldr was looking forward to this class quite a bit. His father had taught him many spells he could use to defend himself and he was looking forward to seeing the Midgardian wizard way of defending one's self. However, this class was yet another that did not meet his expectations. The teacher was a stuttering mess that no one could understand. The didn't learn anything and it seemed the teacher was scared of his own shadow. However, he did stare at Haraldr throughout the class and Haraldr got the feeling that something was off with this teacher. The stuttering seemed too forced to be real.


Almost two months had passed and it was now Halloween. Haraldr, Blaise, and Draco had grown to be good friends. They sat together in all their classes and were often the best in the class. The only competition they had was the Muggle-born girl, Hermione Granger. Draco had, at first, cared about her blood status, but Haraldr was trying to remove his prejudice. Not because he liked Hermione, but because he believed that people should instead be judged for their power. Blaise and Draco were both very powerful wizards along with Hermione. In fact, if Hermione hadn't tried to show him up at every turn, he might have considered extending his friendship.

Haraldr and his friends were heading down to the feast, all of them looking forward to it. While it was a slightly sad day for Haraldr, being the day his birth parents died, he also loved Halloween. He had his snake wrapped around his shoulders and glamoured from view. Only Blaise and Draco knew of it and it was a sort of secret weapon. Not only that, but the highly poisonous venom could be used in potions.

When they arrived at the Great Hall, the setup was amazing. It was storming outside, something you could see with the enchanted ceiling. Jack-O-Lanterns were floating around and the tables were filled with all types of food. Haraldr tasted some of the food, it was fantastic. Seeing him enjoy the food, Blaise and Draco started eating as well. Conversation started up in the hall and the atmosphere was very happy and excited. However, it would all come to an end. The doors to the hall opened and in ran Professor Quirrell. He was yelling "Troll! Troll in the dungeons!" and then he fainted. Or so it seemed. He face planted instead of falling backwards, something that doesn't happen when someone faints. Haraldr stretched out his magic and found two things. First, the teacher was acting and not really unconscious, and two, there were two people sharing Professor Quirrell's body. He was possessed. All around Haraldr was chaos. When the students had heard what the professor had said, they jumped up screaming and ran for the exits. All of a sudden the headmaster yelled "SILENCE" and everybody froze. Professor Dumbledore told them all to return to their common rooms for their safety. Haraldr, Draco, and Blaise were walking with the rest of their classmates when they heard that Hermione was in the bathroom crying due to something Ronald had said. Haraldr turned to Draco and Blaise and said "We have to help her. She doesn't deserve to die and then she will owe us." Making their decision, they rushed to the bathroom to help her.

A/N: And once again, I am extremely sorry for taking so long to get this chapter finished and posted. Life got hectic for a little while and I didn't have wifi on vacation. I really hope you enjoyed this! Thanks for reading!

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