Chapter 9

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A/N:Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Loki, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling! Just a heads up again, some of the lines in this are borrowed from The Sorcerer's Stone. Thanks for reading!

The train arrived at the station after nightfall. Older students were streaming off the train in large clumps, headed towards carriages. The first years were, however, very confused and looking around for what they were supposed to do. A very large man appeared and started to shout out orders.

"First years over here!" he bellowed, "First years over here!"

When they got into something resembling a line, he led them over to floating boats. They were bobbing on the surface of the water, but no ripples were to be seen, obviously done by magic. Lanterns were attached to the boats, filling them with light. Students were ushered into the boats in groups of twos and threes. Haraldr was the first to get into his boat, instead of choosing a group. He was soon joined by the boy from the robes shop and another boy with short brown hair. The large man yelled "Forward!" and the boats glided forward.

"Hey! It's you from the robes shop!" the pale boy exclaimed, "You never told me your name. What is it?"

Haraldr sighed. "Harry Potter" he replied. He didn't want everyone to know his name and only become his friend for his name and fame. He absolutely hated the moniker The-Boy-Who-Lived. However, he and his father had decided to keep his heritage a secret because some wizards still worshipped the Norse gods and he didn't want trouble. He caught sight of their expressions and sighed again. They were gaping at him with wide eyes. He was hoping this didn't happen.

"Look, I was less than two years old when it happened and I don't remember anything." Haraldr continued "I don't want to talk about it. Moving on. What's your name?"

The boy who had not been introduced yet said "Blaise Zabini." He spoke confidently like Malfoy. Haraldr about to continue their conversation stopped, and looked up in awe. He could clearly see Hogwarts in front of him and it was magnificent. There was a castle sitting upon steep, jagged cliffs. It had lots of towers and there were lights filling up many of the windows. While impressed by the architecture, that was not what made it so great. He had seen plenty of castles and none were bigger than the one on Asgard. However, this one was different. He could feel the magic radiating from it, pulsing with life. It was almost as if the castle was sentient. The rest of the boat ride was made in silence. The feeling of Hogwarts was keeping them entranced, eyes fixed on the view. When they were inside the castle, the children started whispering amongst themselves. A girl with very bushy hair was spouting out facts left and right, almost word for word from a book called "Hogwarts: A History". All of a sudden, most everybody gasped or screamed. Ghosts were flowing through the walls a couple talking about someone named Peeves. From their conversation, Haraldr gathered that Peeves was a poltergeist. At the top of the stairs, there was a stern looking women who cleared her throat. Silence fell quickly and she introduced herself as Professor McGonagall. She explained how the sorting would work and a redhead shouted something ridiculous about wrestling a troll. They were then taken into the Great Hall. It was a large room with five tables. One was obviously the head table and the other four were occupied by students from the four houses. Candles were floating below a ceiling enchanted to look like the sky outside. They were gathered in front of the head table and Professor Dumbledore began to talk. He addressed the first years first, telling them that the Forbidden Forest was absolutely off-limits to all students. He then continued on to tell them that Mr. Filch had a list of objects that were not allowed. Then he said the most shocking part of his speech "The third-floor corridor is out of bounds to anyone who does not wish to die a most painful death." Draco, Blaise, and Haraldr all looked to each other in shock. "Is he serious?" Haraldr mouthed to them. Blaise replied, "I have no clue." The announcements ended soon after and the sorting was on. To all the first-year's astonishment, a rip in the hat opened and the hat began to sing. 

"Oh, you may not think I'm pretty,

 But don't judge on what you see, 

I'll eat myself if you can find

 A smarter hat than me.

 You can keep your bowlers black, 

Your top hats sleek and tall,

 For I'm the Hogwarts Sorting Hat

 And I can cap them all. 

There's nothing hidden in your head 

The Sorting Hat can't see, 

So try me on and I will tell you

Where you ought to be. 

You might belong in Gryffindor, 

Where dwell the brave at heart, 

Their daring, nerve and chivalry, 

Set Gryffindors apart; 

You might belong in Hufflepuff 

Where they are just and loyal, 

Those patient Hufflepuffs are true, 

And unafraid of toil; 

Or yet in wise old Ravenclaw, 

If you've a ready mind, 

Where those of wit and learning, 

Will always find their kind; 

Or perhaps in Slytherin, 

You'll make your real friends, 

Those cunning folk use any means, 

To achieve their ends. 

So put me on! Don't be afraid!

 And don't get in a flap!

 You're in safe hands (though I have none) 

For I'm a Thinking Cap!"

The hall erupted in applause. The first to be called up to the stool was a "Hannah Abbott". She sat under the hat for a few moments before it shouted out "HUFFLEPUFF!" It continued on, name after name until Draco Malfoy was called. He strutted up to the stool and the hat had hardly touched his hand before it called out "SLYTHERIN!" Haraldr was called soon after. He went up and sat under the hat when he felt something probing his mind. 

Who are you? Haraldr thought frantically. He didn't want anyone to find out that he was Loki's son.

Do not worry child. I am the sorting hat and I cannot reveal anything about what I discover to anyone. The voice that spoke soothing and Haraldr relaxed. He let it go through his memories some more when he heard the voice again. 

I think I know just the place for you. Haraldr tensed before it shouted out a word.


Everybody stared at him in shock. He, unaffected, joined Draco at the Slytherin table. The hall was silent for a few moments before Professor McGonagall got everyone's attention and called out the last name. The redheaded boy who had wanted to befriend him on the train turned out to be named Ron Weasley. Ron was sorted into Gryffindor like the rest of his family. The sorting continued until finally, Blaise was called and sorted into Slytherin. Professor Dumbledore once again took the stage and said "Welcome!" he said. "Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!"

A/N: I'm so so so sorry for taking so long to update but everything was hectic for a couple of days. This is also my longest chapter so far! I hope you enjoyed it and if you have any suggestions or anything leave a comment! Thanks a ton for reading this far!

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