Chapter 3

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Loki, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling! Enjoy!

Years passed quickly and now Haraldr was about to turn seven years old. Everybody in the palace loved him, including Odin, which was a surprise. Ever since he turned 5, Loki had been teaching him the basics of magic, sword fighting, martial arts, archery, horseback riding, politics, diplomacy, and etiquette among other things. He was, however, only proficient in these activities as should be expected of children his age. As of now, he was hunched over a book studying runes used in magic that he was not supposed to be reading. Loki was supposed to be sparring with Thor and the Warriors Three when the door opened. He turned around, saw Loki, and rapidly paled. "It's not what you think I swear!" Haraldr said, panicking. "Oh really," Loki drawled, "so you aren't reading the book I told you not to under direct orders?" 

"No" Haraldr mumbled. Loki just raised an eyebrow. "Okay okay! Fine, I was reading it but I wanted to get ahead in my magic studies so I could impress you."

"Did you think I just banned books like that for no reason?" Loki said sternly. "Just so you couldn't read ahead?"

"No...?" Haraldr questioned.

"Exactly. I banned that book because if you mess up even once, a smudged rune, too much power, too little power, anything that went wrong at all, you could be seriously hurt! I was trying to protect you! I would have taught you about runes soon just a few more weeks. Now, because you are too much like me, I will remove the ban on these books as long as you promise not to try anything other than memorizing them without my supervision." Loki panted, out of breath from his long rant.

"I'm sorwy," Haraldr said, almost in tears.

"It's ok my little trickster." Loki comforted, " I just want to keep you safe. Now I came back early for a completely different reason. Your uncle, Thor, has come up with a surprisingly good idea."

"Thor came up with a good idea? That's possible?" Haraldr said jokingly and snorted.

"Don't be mean now. Your uncle has some good ideas even if they are a bit of a rare occurrence. Now, do you wish to find out or not?"

"Yes! Yes! Please tell me!" begged Haraldr.

"He suggested that in about a fortnight we take a trip to Midgard. We would visit the wizarding community and the non-magicals. I would be teaching you about their customs and technology as well as how to fit in if it is ever needed. What do you say"


"Hmm. I don't know. Can I trust you to be responsible enough and listen to me at all times, especially if I tell you something is off limits?"

"Yes! You can trust me! I'll never touch a banned book again!" Haraldr shouted enthusiastically.

"I wouldn't go that far. Never touch a banned book again? You wouldn't last a week!" Loki drawled. 


The days passed in a rush of excitement. Haraldr was looking forward to the trip so much that he was packed a full nine days before the trip. 'Maybe I can make a new friend on Midgard' he thought. He was a little lonely because there were very few children on Asgard and almost none his father would let him associate with. He was so overjoyed with this idea that he asked his dad about twice a day whether they could leave sooner. He was, of course, rejected each time he asked but it made Loki happy to see Haraldr in such a good mood. They were planning on staying on Midgard for about three weeks if everything went to plan. Finally, the day came when they were leaving and they said their farewells to what seemed like everyone in the palace. When they finally escaped they ran to where Heimdall was with the Bifrost, waiting. 

"Are you sure you have everything, Haraldr?" Loki asked, "We won't be coming back until our time is up, even if you forgot something."

"I'm sure! Now can we go!" begged Haraldr.

"Patience. We will be there soon enough" and they were. The Bifrost put them down in an empty field by a lake. Loki used this as an opportunity to practice magic and instructed Haraldr to reach as far as he could until he could sense Midgardian lives. Haraldr struggled but eventually figured out that there was a city a few miles off.

"Good. Now all you need to do is practice until you can either do it automatically or in seconds. I knew where the city was the moment we landed."

A/N: I'm so sorry the chapter is short again but I'm having a bit of a dilemma. I just can't decide whether I want to include the Avengers or not and if I'm going to it will be soon. I'm leaning towards including them. What do you guys think? Once again, thanks for reading! 

God Raisedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें