Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Loki, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling! Enjoy reading!

He was sitting with Loki and the Avengers when it happened. After his successful mission about a year back, he had gained their trust and on the weekends, he, Thor, and Loki traveled to Midgard for a day or two. They were all enjoying breakfast when they heard a tapping noise coming from by the window. Almost everybody at the tables first instinct was to go for their weapons but it turned out to be from an owl carrying a letter. 

"How strange. Do you think it is a threat?" Steve asked.

"No," Loki said calmly "I have been expecting this." Everybody turned to look at him.

"You have?!" they all chorused. "What is it?"

"It's my little trickster's acceptance letter." He went over to the window and vanished the glass.

"Now wait for just a second!" Tony got up and went over to Loki, "You can't just make my windows disappear like that in my own house!" Loki rolled his eyes and grabbed the letter.

"Acceptance to what?" Bruce asked, "I'm pretty sure no normal programs use owls to send their letters. And since when did Haraldr apply for something?"

"Hogwarts" Loki handed the letter over to Haraldr, "And it's not a normal program."

"Ok, am I the only one confused here?!" Tony said frantically, "what the hell is Hogwarts? Some kind of cult?!"

All of a sudden Haraldr jumped out of his chair and hugged Loki. "Can I please go? Please please please?"

"Only if you agree to stop begging. It's very unbecoming for a prince such as yourself."

"Okay, I will! I promise!" Haraldr started to dance around the room chanting "I get to go to magic school! I get to go to magic school!" Loki laughed and explained to the others that Hogwarts was a Midgardian school for magic.

"But haven't you already taught him magic?" Thor asked.

"Yes, but this is a different kind of magic. He already knows Asgardian magic and it is time he learns another type."


Haraldr was looking forward to magic school, having never been to a school before. Sure, he had had tutors, but that was different. He would be learning with kids his age! With kids that did not look at magic like a woman's craft! Today he would be going to Diagon Alley with Loki to get his school supplies. They arrived in the Leaky Cauldron easily, but it was once they were there that the problem arose. Haraldr, whose hair was like Loki's, showed his forehead quite clearly so that his scar was on display. One person noticed him, shouting out "Mr. Potter" and everybody came over to him, shaking his hand and just trying to get his attention. All of a sudden, being the protective father he was, Loki summoned his armor and spear. He hit the ground with his spear and yelled "SILENCE!". Everybody was quiet at once.

"We have to go get his school supplies now. Good day." Loki said, leading Haraldr out of the bar and to the entrance to the alley. 

Loki turned to Haraldr and said, "Do you have any idea what that was?"

Haraldr looked very shaken and replied, "Not a clue."

"Well then, that makes it easy. Our first stop is the bookshop." Loki lead Haraldr over to a shop named Flourish and Blotts. Telling Haraldr to look for his books, he went up to the person at the desk and asked: "Do you have any books on Harry Potter?"

The shopkeeper looked him up and down. "Are you a muggle? How do you not know?"

"A muggle?" Loki questioned.

"That explains it. A muggle is a person who does not have magic. Now for your first question, yes we have quite a few books on Harry Potter. While we go and get them I'll give you a brief overview." 

"Harry Potter, also known as the boy-who-lived, saved our world from great danger about ten years ago. He-who-must-not-be-named went and attacked the Potter's house. He killed James and Lily Potter, but for some odd reason, could not kill little Harry. Instead, he was defeated by the infant." the shopkeeper lead him over to a bookshelf. "Here are all the books on the subject. Good day sir."

Loki grabbed one titled Rise and Fall of the Dark Lord and went over to Haraldr who had a large pile of books in front of him.

"Did you find all of your books?" he asked.

"Yes. Now, all we have to do is get my robes and wand. We have all of the potions ingredients and more on Asgard." Haraldr replied.

A/N: And that's it for today folks! Next up we have Madame Malkins and Ollivanders! I'm trying to decide whether he should meet Draco in the robe shop or not. I'm also debating whether he should have a snake, an owl, or neither as a pet. What do you guys think? Did you like the chapter? If you did, please leave a vote!

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