Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Loki, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling! Also in this chapter, a few lines are taken from the movie. Not many though. Enjoy!

Haraldr and Loki made their way over to the wand shop next.  Ollivander's seemed to be a small, dusty shop and they were not very impressed upon first sight. When they opened the door, a small bell tinkled, announcing their presence. Boxes upon boxes were stacked floor to ceiling, wall to wall. 

"Careful," Loki whispered, "There is someone here."

"I know," Haraldr replied shifting into a fighting stance, "I can sense them."

All of a sudden, a man on a ladder slid into view. "I wondered when I'd be seeing you, Mr. Potter".

"How do you know who he is?" Loki asked carefully.

"Why," he replied, "any wizard could recognize that scar on your head."

Loki and Haraldr relaxed and looked around them.

"We are here to get Harry a wand," Loki said. "we heard that you were the best around."

Ollivander gave Haraldr an appraising glance and took a box off the wall. Taking the wand out, he handed it to Haraldr. Haraldr just stood there looking at the wand causing Ollivander to say "Well give it a wave"

He did so only to instantly regret it. All the boxes started flying off the shelves, opening at random, and making a big mess. However, as he went to apologize he felt the magic of one of the wands calling to him. Slowly making his way over to it, he picked up the wand. At once he felt power flow through him and knew that this was the wand. 

"That is very interesting." Ollivander started murmuring to himself. 

"What is?"

"That wand was not made by me. Instead, it was made by my ancestors. The wood is from Yggdrasil, an ash tree that connects the nine realms according to Norse mythology. The core is made of hair, supposedly from Frost Giants. It is slightly springy and 13 inches long."

Loki and Haraldr shared a look with each other. 

"We'll take it," Loki said, "How much?"

"Seven galleons."

They paid the fee and left the shop together. All they had remaining on the list was robes. Walking to a store called Madam Malkins, they entered. Madam Malkin herself seemed to be nice enough, if not a little portly.

"Hogwarts, dear?" She asked, "Another lad is getting his robes too." 

"Haraldr," Loki started, "I'm going to go see something quickly."

"Ok. I'll wait here for you." 

Madam Malkin took Haraldr to a stool next to the other boy. He was a pale blonde who held himself with confidence. 

"Hello," he said, "Hogwarts too?"

"Yes." Haraldr replied.

"Do you know what house you're going to be in?"


"I'm most likely going to be in Slytherin. All my family has been. Do you have a broom?"

"No. What need could I have for such a thing.?" 

The boy looked absolutely horrified. "Why, Quidditch of course! But they are our kind, right?"

"I only have a dad but he is magical if that is what you mean by our kind." Haraldr replied, a little offended.

"That's good. They shouldn't let the other kind in."

Haraldr was about to reply when Madam Malkin interrupted telling the boy that he was done. She finished measuring Haraldr right about when Loki came back holding a bag behind his back.

Madame Malkin handed him the robes, Loki paid, and they left. 

"What's in the bag?" Haraldr asked, curious.

"A present for you. Here. See what is in it." Loki handed him the bag.

Haraldr pulled out a cage with a snake in it. It was beautiful. The scales on it were shiny and a midnight black color.

"I love it!" Haraldr said and hugged his dad. "Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome little trickster. Only the best for you."

A/N: Sorry about the wait and it being so short! I was sick the last couple days and had to go to the doctors so I wanted to get it posted as soon as possible. I'm going back and forth on whether I want Haraldr to be able to speak Parseltongue or not. Also, I think I'm going to place him in Slytherin and be friends with Draco. What do you guys think? Did you like the chapter? If you did, leave a vote! If you have any ideas or suggestions leave a comment! Thanks for reading!

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