Chapter 11

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Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter, Loki, or any recognizable people, places, or things. These belong to Marvel and J. K. Rowling! Enjoy!

Draco and Blaise walked with him to Transfiguration. Having explored the school quite a lot already, he knew the general location.

"That was so awesome!" Draco exclaimed, "Nobody talks to Snape like that without having massive amounts of points taken away! And did you really use a different recipe? Can you teach it to me?"

Haraldr laughed. "Of course I can teach it to you. He was probably too much in shock to think to take points at the end. My father taught me the recipe I used. I'll teach it to you, Blaise, if you're interested."

"That would be nice," said Blaise.

"So Haraldr, do you play much Quidditch?" Draco asked, excitedly.

"No, in fact, I haven't ever touched a broom. The only ones I've seen have either been on TV or used for cleaning."

"WHAT?!" Draco yelled. Everybody in the corridor turned to look at them. "Oops. Sorry." He said in a much quieter tone. "But still, never touched a broom! How could you not? And who would use a broom for cleaning? That doesn't make any sense whatsoever. And what's a teavee?"

"I was always either traveling or living in a large city. New York City to be precise. There was nowhere I could ride it without drawing the attention of muggles. Muggles use brooms for cleaning the floors and a TV is a muggle device. I take it you've played Quidditch a lot?"

"Oh. Your reasoning makes sense, I guess, but not the cleaning part. I've been riding a broom since I was very young. I am really good at it too! I'm going to make seeker next year when I can finally try out!"

"Very humble, too, I see." Haraldr arched an eyebrow, amused.

"Oh be quiet," Draco said. They arrived at the Transfiguration classroom before anyone else did. The room was organized into benches of only two seats, not three.

"You two sit by each other. I'll sit in the next row over." Blaise said.

"Are you sure?" Haraldr asked. Blaise shrugged and sat down. Looking up to the teacher's desk, they noticed there was a tabby cat on the desk, most likely the professor's familiar. On their desks were needles, probably what they were going to be transfiguring. Slowly, the other students started trickling in. The first to arrive after them was that bushy-haired girl, Hermione. Finally, the bell for class to start rang. The professor still wasn't in the room and the students looked around curiously. All of a sudden, the door to the classroom swung open. Ron Weasley and Seamus Dean entered the room looking around.

"Thank Merlin! McGonagall isn't here yet!" Ron exclaimed.

All of a sudden the cat leapt off of the desk, transforming into Professor McGonagall.

"That's bloody wicked!"

"Thank you, Mr. Weasley. However, perhaps a better use of my skill would be transfiguring you into a pocket watch?"

Ron reddened while the rest of the kids in the class snickered. They made their way to the only open desks and sat down.

Professor McGonagall started the class by asking what Transfiguration was. Hermione, once again, raised her hand as high as it would go.

"Miss Granger?"

Hermione said, "Transfiguration is the art of using magic to change one object into another." Haraldr scoffed.

"Mr. Potter, is there something you'd like to share with the rest of us?"

"Sure Professor. Take my textbook and open it to page 1. Why don't you read what it says to the rest of us?"

Hermione paled while Professor McGonagall looked at him curiously. She opened the book and read the definition out loud. It matched exactly what Hermione said.

"Miss Granger, while it is incredible that you have such a good memory, in the future try and use your mind to come up with an original answer."

Hermione looked embarrassed and glared at Haraldr.

"Now class," McGonagall continued, "We will be using Transfiguration to change the needles on your desk into matches." She went on to explain how to do it and what was happening when they cast the spell. Haraldr, wanting to show off, silently tapped his needle and watched as it changed. Once again, Hermione glared at Haraldr for showing her up.

"Very good Mr. Potter! Although it was impressive, I would prefer if you would say the incantation out loud so I know that you know it."

Hermione smirked and rolled up her sleeves. Saying the incantation loudly, so everyone in the room could hear her, she waved her wand and pointed it at the needle. It didn't change at all. Haraldr had been waiting for her to do this and when she said the spell, he had wandlessly performed the counter spell, forcing the needle to remain as just that, a needle.

"That was a decent try, Miss Granger, however, you do not need to yell the spell out." The rest of the class passed with Hermione repeatedly trying the spell and Haraldr stopping it from succeeding each time. Draco and Blaise were also among the first to succeed. Overall, Haraldr highly enjoyed the class.

They had Herbology next and Haraldr was looking forward to seeing the magical plants they had on Midgard compared to the magical plants on Asgard. Professor Sprout also seemed to be a nice teacher. However, he realized he left his herbology things in his room.

"Go ahead without me. I left my materials in the dorm. I'll be really quick." Haraldr said to Blaise and Draco who nodded.

He was halfway to his room when he felt a tap on his shoulder.

A/N: Sorry for the cliffhanger! Not really. 😏 I hope you enjoyed this chapter and sorry for taking so long. Everything is getting hectic with finals coming up! I'll update soon!

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