Chapter 7

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The next day Charlotte rode her bike into the parking lot, less students watched her than the previous days. The Cullens made their way over to where she was taking off her helmet next to her bike.

"Good morning Charlotte." Jasper said pleasantly.

"Morning guys." Charlotte smiled. "And what do I owe this early morning greeting? I answered your questions last night."

"Well. We thought it would be nice to get to know you, you personally." Alice smiled. "We want to be friends."

Charlotte looked surprised. No one had ever really wanted to know her personally other than a few fey friends. "I make a terrible friend but if you want me you got me."

"I think you're rather lovely." Jasper said quietly. His eyes widened realizing he said that out loud. Edward nudged his side his this elbow smirking.

"Oh why thank you." Charlotte smiled looking down at her feet. She couldn't remember the last time she knew she should of blushed but couldn't. She hadn't needed to blush in over eight hundred years.

"Well we have to get to class. Bye!" Alice pulled Edward away craning her neck back as they walked away. Rosalie picked up in what Alice was doing and pulled Emmett away too.

"Shall we go then?" Charlotte looked up finding Jasper gazing down at her. Jasper nodded not quite knowing what to say. "Thank you." Charlotte said lightly as they walked toward the building.

"For what?" Jasper glanced sideways at her.

"For last night. I was finally able to let go of the past. Eight hundred years of self pity and loathing. I was finally able to move on from my old grudges." Charlotte gave a sad smile.

"Sometimes the best way to move on isn't to forgive and forget. It's to find something else to think about. Finding a new dream."

"You're right. I did find a new dream."

"What's that?"

"Trade secrets. I can't tell you that." Charlotte grinned slyly. You're my new dream.

"Will you tell me why you only wear black?" Jasper stole another sideways glance.

Charlotte laughed, a sound that Jasper had to restrain himself from jumping Charlotte right then and there in the parking lot. "It's sort of an inner rebellion. A joke between myself and well... myself. Faeries are often portrayed as wearing brightly colored dresses. I am the proof they do not. Now a joke between you and I."

"Do all faeries do that?"

"No. Most wear modern clothing. If I was in Faerie then I would wear a simple shirt and pants."

"What's it like? In Faerie?"

"There is a meadow and forest. The forest is were most fey live in tree houses. You are responsible for building your own home and furnishing it how you please. The meadow is filled with flowers and a marble building. That is were the council of elders meet. The first fey of each race. So five if them. They make decisions on what to do and such. Where to send the newborn fey to be raised, who to raise them. Although for mortals it is different. Horrible to get lost in for anyone but fey." Charlotte and Jasper walked into first period together sitting at their table.

"How do you get there?"

"A faerie must create a portal. Most do it high in the air so no one can follow us."

"Class. Please finish chapters 4-5 tonight for homework." The teacher said from the front of the classroom.

Throughout the class Charlotte could see Jasper glancing over at her through her peripheral vision. She didn't know what to make of it; The looks, the complements, Charlotte wasn't use to this anymore. She was use to isolation and detachment. Not people trying to know her better.

"Why can't our powers work on you?" Jasper snapped Charlotte out of her thoughts. She realized she was holding her book but not reading a word.

"Think of it this way. You are FM and I am AM. Different frequencies. I play different stations that's you can not. Or I'm like a dog whistle. Dogs can hear me but humans can't." Charlotte looked over at Jasper then mentally kicking herself. She never quite got use to his beauty, the steady gaze of his eyes. Charlotte looked away trying not to get lost in Jasper and his beauty.

But even doing that she was failing. She could feel herself breaking down, allowing herself to talk freely to Jasper. Something she had not done to someone other than a faerie in a long time.

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