Chapter 16

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Charlotte crash landed from the ceiling where she fell through the portal. She landed in the Cullens living room where everyone was sitting around watching tv. The Cullens didn't realize what was happening until Charlotte hit the ground with a groan.

"Charlotte!" Jasper yelled. "What are you doing here? You're back so soon! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Jasper turned Charlotte so she was laying in her back.

"I said 'home' but I ended up here. I wonder why." Charlotte wheezed.

"What happened to your shoulder?" Jasper demanded seeing her singed armor like body suit and a blackish gold liquid around it.

"I got shot. But it's okay now. I came back like I promised. Maybe that's why I showed up here. Because I look at you... and I'm home." Charlotte choked back the sob that was so desperately trying to escape.

"You got shot." Jasper repeated slowly. He was vaguely aware of the rest of his family crowding behind him. "I thought you could only die from.... oh." He whispered realizing what she meant.

"I'm sorry Jasper. It was either I die or everyone did. I would have gotten shot either way. I watched it burn, the flames. It was a color I've never seen before. So beautiful... Like the scales of a dragon were underneath the ashy outside"

"Are you...?" Jasper couldn't say it. It was like poison in his mouth, something that was lodged in this throat.

"Yes Jazz. I'm dying. And I don't know how long I have."

"Are you in pain?"

"Not yet." Charlotte took his large hand in her small one. Or maybe he had normal sized hands but hers were so small his appeared big. "Carlisle. I need a favor." Charlotte looked past Jasper.

"Anything you need." Carlisle nodded looking pitiful at her. Charlotte hated that look, like she was some kicked puppy.

"I need you to put me in a thermoplastic prism. Hollowed out like it would be a room. It doesn't have to be big, I just need to fit in it. Nothing else can go in it but me. Seal it once I'm inside." Charlotte's breaths were labored and deep. Carlisle nodded dashing upstairs to try and find somewhere he could buy something like that.

"What do you need that for?" Jasper asked earnestly.

"I don't know what will happen. Something could go wrong." Charlotte didn't look at him, instead she looked at the wall above him.

"You're dying and there's nothing you can do? There isn't a cure?" Rosalie said incredulously. Charlotte had never really talked all that much to Rosalie because she was a reminder of everything that had happened to Charlotte. And Rosalie had never tried to talk to her either, never looked at her without scowling. But now she sounded accusing demanding why Charlotte can just die.

"No one has ever been stupid enough to inject themselves with the sap. That's like putting death serum into you. No one has ever lived after putting the sap in them. I'm the second one to ever have it in their body. The first died. They died a-" Charlotte had to stop herself from saying a long painful death. "They died and I will too."

"So you never tried to figure out how to make a cure." Rosalie snorted.

"We didn't have to. The tree was sacred, the first tree in Faerie, the one that grew in the place where Terrae first step foot on land. Where she fell from the sky. We had to protect it, no one spoke of harming it because it is older than all of us. You can't just knock down the ancient temples in Greece without conscience. It's the same thing." Charlotte yelled. Emmett led Rosalie out of the room murmuring things to her that made Charlotte want to gag.

"What you did was heroic. You sacrificed your life to save theirs." Esme took Charlotte's other hand.

"I hope they let the tree burn. I'm not dying for nothing." Charlotte grunted. She tried moving herself into a sitting position, she felt hands guiding her up.

"I can get you new clothes?" Alice offered eyeing Charlotte's destroyed ones.

"No. No. I can't wear normal human clothes. It's custom that you wear Fey clothes if you choose to end your life. I want to wear fey clothes." Charlotte coughed feeling dizzy. She gestured up and down her body pouring her dust onto her. The golden dust settled into her current body suit changing and altering it to a white body suit. But this one was different than the last. It ended at the ankles like the last, but had no sleeves, much like a strapless dress. The jumper was white with grey swirled into the pattern almost undetectable.

"You got new marks." Jasper said pointing her her arms and collarbone.

Charlotte looked down drawing in a ragged breath. "The runes of heroism, sacrifice, and death. Death? What the hell! How do you get a death rune!" Charlotte's voice was hysterical.

"I ordered the room thing for you Charlotte. It should be here in a few hours. I had it rush ordered." Carlisle ran into the room.

"Good. I don't think I have much time left."

The Tale of the Fey (Jasper Whitlock Hale Twilight fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz