Chapter 14

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"What do you mean at war?" Jasper deadpanned.

"War, you know when two groups fight for a cause? The fey are going to be attacked by the pixies and the earth mother."

"You had no problem saying her name before. What changed?"

"Names have power. You don't just throw them around like nothing."

"You're afraid of her aren't you?" Jasper demanded breathlessly.

"Everyone is afraid of her. She can kill any of us if she wanted to. She has the sap, she has an army. We could all die." Charlotte yelled frustrated.

"So stay. Don't go." Jasper pleaded.

"I have to go. They are my family too. I can't abandon them."


Charlotte was in her room hours after Jasper had left angrily. He didn't want her to go, but she had to. She had changed into her armor which wasn't really armor at all. It was like a second layer of skin, black and patterned almost like snake skin. It ended mid-neck and her hair was pulled into a tight pony tail. She laced up her black combat boots tightly not knowing the horror of what will be come in Faerie.

"Charlotte!" Jasper yelled from the living room. He came back realizing he might never see her again.

"You came back." She breathed walking into the living room.

"I thought I was too late." Jasper pulled her into a hug. "I thought you left and I wasn't here with you. You could of died and I would have let the last moments I spent with you in anger."

"Well worse case scenario I die. But that's pretty unlikely." Charlotte rolled her eyes. "You forget I'm not easily killed."

"I know but still. I couldn't bare the thought of it."

"Jasper you know I love you don't you? You infuriate me, you make me want to sing horrid ballads, you make me feel. Something I haven't done in a long time. I love you so much that I would die for you, nothing matters to me as much as you. That's why I'm fighting. If I don't I could die, if I do I could die but die trying to save us. And that's a risk I have to take." Charlotte poured her heart out looking directly into eyes as golden as the sun.

"You come back to me! You come back and stay with me forever. I don't care if that means I have to stay inside for two years if you want to live somewhere sunny. I'll follow you anywhere. Just come back." Jasper tried hard not to cry, well dry sob but he was pretty damn close to losing it.

"I'll come back. I swear I'll come back to you, even if I'm dying. I'll come back to you." Charlotte whispered. The grandfather clock in the corner of the room started chiming. One. Two. Charlotte laid her forehead on Jasper's chest tears slipping down her face. Three. Four. Jasper tipped Charlotte's chin up with two fingers forcing her gently to look at him. Five. Six. Charlotte kissed Jasper with a force so strong any normal person would have a bloody face. It was a rough, demanding kiss but not any less passionate as it could have been. It was a goodbye kiss. Seven. Eight. Jasper carefully wiped the tears from Charlotte's face using the pads of his thumbs. Nine. Ten. Charlotte took a step back turning to the wall the portal would appear. She took Jasper's hand squeezing it once then dropping it. Eleven. Twelve. The portal opened.

Charlotte stepped forward without a thought. She knew what would happen when she stepped through. The doorway she created would close once she went through, sealing her from this world until she made a new one. She glanced behind her to give a small smile at Jasper who looked like he was about to pass out.

He lurched forward to the portal but Charlotte was a second quicker. She leaped into the portal, thrusting herself onto the grassy fields in Faerie. Jasper touched the opening of the portal but was blocked by an invisible wall. The portal was used, and now it was closing in on itself disappearing.

Once the portal was gone along with Jasper and his world with it, Charlotte took off to her small house in the grotto. A nice grotto at that, the trees spaced apart from each other enough to give some privacy. Her house wasn't the biggest nor the nicest but the elm she used on the outside was respectable enough. Most people used birch or oak but elm was a nicer wood to use for their tree homes. They lived in actual tree houses coated in magic to make the inside a lit bigger than how the outside is.

Charlotte didn't know what she wanted until she got inside her house. The book of pictures she had collected in a scrap book from every place she went. Her most valued memories where in the book. And she couldn't keep it here, anything could happen in the battle and she had to keep this safe. She sprinkled dust on the book watching it glow to life.

"To Jasper Whitlock Hale. Go now." Charlotte whispered to the book. It raised from the table, hovering a second before zooming out the open window. If Charlotte couldn't keep it, Jasper would.

There was a moment of pleasant silence in the room before the sirens started going off.

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