Chapter 9

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The Cullens excluding Carlisle and Esme lounged in Charlotte's living room watching her absent mindedly playing with water from the flower vase full of lilies. Charlotte had been spacing out lately, forgetting what she was saying when she was in the middle of a sentence. She claimed it was nothing, that she purposefully left the windows open.

"No. I just don't feel right." Charlotte murmured. "Its like someones trying to speak to me. But I don't know what their saying."

"Is that Finding Nemo? Did you just quote Disney at us?" Edward asked incredulously.

"You'd be surprised how right you are sometimes Eddy boy." Charlotte mused thoughtlessly, if that was even possible. She picked up the flower vase not liking where she had it. She moved toward the window sill on the south wall of her house.

Her back was to the Cullens when she stopped. Charlotte let out a gasp and the glass vase fell from her delicate hands. Jasper was the first one to spring up, then everyone else. Something was defiantly wrong, Charlotte was frozen in place and a vacant expression washed over her face. Her eyes were detached and unseeing from this world. Jasper gripped her shoulders pulling her to the ground so he could cradle her frigid body.

"It looks like she just left her body. Like she isn't even in this world anymore." Rosalie, who had started to grow fond of Charlotte, touched her cheek gently. She felt almost guilty about what happened to her, at first she was mad that Charlotte was the cause of her horrible teeth in her human life but saw where Charlotte was coming from. Rosalie would want to do much worse than curse someone who dared to try and take Emmett from her.

Much like Rosalie said, Charlotte wasn't in this world anymore. She was in an illusion placed upon her from a far away faerie.

"What do you want from me?" A small girl demanded. Her golden hair was pulled into a messy bun, her black and white swirled eyes looked sullen. The shadows she was engulfed in cast eerie shadows against her high cheek bones and hooked nose.

"We want you to be honest with us. Tell us why we can not kill you." A chalky pale man smiled making his red eyes look even bigger.

"I am nothing but honest. You can not kill me because you are weak." The girl in the shadows sneered baring her straight teeth. They gleaned bright in the darkness around her. "Tell me why you are keeping me in this. In this castle."

"We are keeping you because you can be a great weapon for us. You are something new." The man stood.

"I came to Italy to have a good time. Not to be locked up in some marble palace. I will never work for you, filthy creature."

"You will. You will beg to work for us. You'll come around."

"There is great danger coming your way. Let me go and this can be avoided."

"You dare threaten me? There is nothing that would dare to come for me. I am a prince! And I will not be degraded by some -some thing."

"Well. Do not say I didn't warn you."

"Elaine." Charlotte sucked in a sharp breath. Her body jolted into motion, propelling herself in the air running into her room. Charlotte was shown an illusion of a good friend who was obviously in need of help. Elaine had been the one to get Charlotte back on her feet, to get her modern clothes for the time period she went back into the human world. Charlotte owed Elaine her life basically, and that was a debt she could never fully repay.

"Charlotte wait!" Jasper yelled running behind her into her bedroom. Charlotte was pulling on some black pants discarding the sweats she was previously wearing. "What's going on?"

"Elaine. My best friend. She's in trouble. I have to save her. She showed me where she was, and she can't stay there. They'll stop at nothing, I can't let her be shamed if they take her wings." Charlotte walked to the closet pulling out a grey cloak. But it wasn't just grey, the pattern swirled within the cloak, like an actual storm. "Fey magic, infused with dust to make it look like its moving. A trick of the light, the illusion faeries figured how to do it." Charlotte answered the unasked question.

"You can't go alone. Please. Take me with you." Jasper pleaded. He couldn't lose someone he just found. He had searched for someone to make him feel alive again and he finally had it. He had Charlotte.

"You can not come. It is too dangerous. A lot of fire will rain down on the enemies. You will be burned, not only you but you can not show your alliance with me for your family's sake. It would be very bad for you." Charlotte knew about the Voltori, learned about them before and knew they were no good. She knew what she was about to do would cause pandemonium in the vampire world.

"Then promise you'll come back." Jasper caught her wrist stopping her from walking out the door.

"I will come back. I will come back a champion. The fey do not say good bye, we say: Diluxae comlente abrui." She said in her native language. Like the book said, it was the most glorious thing Jasper had ever heard. It sounded like the angels singing the sweetest symphony, which was a simple way of putting it. It was something that left Jasper dazed in a way that he felt almost like he was floating. "It means: With Earth and Sea and Sky. Where we all come from, it is a phrase of encouragement and promise. We do not like to shame where we came from." Charlotte leaned up kissing Jasper lightly on the lips, a innocent kiss that felt like a promise.

Pulling the hood up on her cloak, Charlotte broke into a run once outside in the bitter winter air. Her wings stretched out from between the blades of her shoulders. Touching the tops of the clouds, Charlotte made her was to Italy already dreading what she'd find.

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