Chapter 11

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Charlotte flew Elaine to a roof somewhere in Northern Italy. The Voltori thought the two girls disappeared out of thin air, one moment they were there and the next gone. Charlotte and Elaine really just walked out while the vampires were in an illusion.

"Thank you Charlotte. I can't thank you enough, the things they were planning for me..." Elaine shuddered lost in thought.

"Well we probably just started a war, but you know that's cool." Charlotte shrugged basking in the sunlight.

"They looked so petrified when they were all kneeling. Shit man. The last line before we left. 'Enjoy immortality before the candle blows out.' What did that mean?"

"It's a metaphor. Human lives are often compared to candles. 'A flame that burns so bright and intensely will not last.' A human life is like a burning candle, while immortal lives are like an unburnt candle. We won't die until the flame is snuffed out, and when it is not lit it will not be blown out. i.e. us dying. A metaphor."

"Well shit. I think you just mentally broke them."

"What do you think the council will do?"

"Well we didn't give away what we are to them. They specifically can never know. And since they do not, we are fine. The Council should thank us, we did them a favor. They will fear our kind forever now."

"Imagine them coming across an epidemic fey. I think they would actually start crying for their mothers."

"What will you do now? Where will you go?"

"Back to Faerie, or maybe I'll stay. I've always wanted to go to Maldives."

"Well I hope you find happiness. Maybe find a human boy for awhile."

"I will not find a human boy."

"You can't wait for him forever you know. It's time to move on. Find a new dream." Charlotte laid a gentle hand on Elaine's shoulder. Giving her a small smile Charlotte rose into the air for the flight back home.


"You realize she's been gone for a day. She could be gone for a week." Edward sighed finding Jasper still at Charlotte's.

"She has to come back. She'll be back. I just want to make sure she's okay."

"Have you hunted?"

"Yes last weekend."

"Well isn't this a surprise. I knew you'd miss me Edward." Charlotte walked through into the room.

"How'd you know I was here?"

"You vampires aren't the only supernatural with heightened senses." Charlotte shrugged.

"Thank god your okay!" Jasper sighed with relief pulling Charlotte into a tight hug. "We saw the- well we don't know what it was. It was like a movie played in our minds. The Denali's saw it too. I was so worried."

"I don't know why. Everyone thought it was total bandanas burning Jane and Felix like that. Making them kneel before you. Hell when we came back to reality we were fighting the urge to kneel too." Edward grinned.

"The power of illusion magic is very strange. We haven't quite figured out the vastness of it yet." Charlotte mused. "Nor the power of the epidemic fey."

"These fey. They are made by diseases?" Edward asked lowly.

"Yes. Once it has been labeled as a serious disease they are created."

"So. There is one for the Spanish Influenza then?" Edward asked quietly. Charlotte looked at him, taking in his sad expression. He either died in it or someone he loved did.

"His name is Julián. He is very nice." Charlotte said sympathetically. Edward nodded silently, then got up to leave.

Jasper's arms snaked around Charlotte's torso pulling her to him. "His mother died from the influenza. She begged Carlisle to turn him. He would of died of it too."

"Julián lives in Faerie, the last time he left was for the war. He doesn't like hurting people." Charlotte sighed.

"You know him well?" Jasper gritted his teeth.

"Sort of. He lives in the grove next to mine. I see him at the lake sometimes." Charlotte shrugged. "Why? Are you jealous?" She turned to poke Jasper's chest but was cut off from Jasper kissing her roughly. His hands held her to his cold body, he could feel the chill emanating from her small frame.

"Your cold." He stated in between kisses he was lightly placing on Charlotte's neck.

"No. I feel no heat or cold. I was created from a storm, which was cold." Charlotte corrected lightly.

"Please never make me worry like that again." Jasper begged in a whisper.

"You know I can't promise that. If I'm summoned to Faerie I have to go. If my friends are in danger I have to go, we look out for each other."

"I just can't loose you."

"And you never will. I can promise you that I will do everything in my power to live for you. You are my anchor to this world, and I will never leave you."

The Tale of the Fey (Jasper Whitlock Hale Twilight fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora