Chapter 19

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The pain Charlotte felt eventually faded but still laid tightly wrapped in Jasper's arms. The entire experience was so extraordinary she didn't know how to feel about it. She felt herself leave her body, but then at the very last second it felt like she was sucked back into her body by some unknown force. She felt herself reattach into her body and everything felt like it was new. It was like being in a black void, nothing seemingly everywhere around her and then everything was there all at once. And it was painful being slammed back into your body.

Charlotte tried walking after Jasper helped her off the floor but failed miserably. As soon as one foot left the floor Charlotte's orientation shifted to the left. Jasper caught her from plummeting to the ground, grinning as he held his arm out like men did hundreds of years ago. Charlotte clutched his arm, supporting herself against him. Slowly they made it out of the room, down the hall and into Jasper's room.

"Jaz." Charlotte said in a low strained voice. "Will you take me outside or to my house? Somewhere where the sun will shine on me. Or the moon, it doesn't matter."

"Of course." Jasper picked up Charlotte carefully not wanting to risk hurting her further. He cradled her in his arms leaping out the window into the cold night. The bitter nips against Charlotte's skin didn't bother her, they felt nice in a refreshing sort of way. Jasper took Charlotte back to her house figuring she didn't really want to be around a lot of people right now. The windows in the room cast unnatural shadows from the moonlight pouring in.

Charlotte laid down in the middle of a patch of bright moonlight in the middle of the floor. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you what I was doing. I didn't want to raise your hopes only to fail." She whispered basking in the moonlight like a cat would do in the sun.

"I was tearing my hair out after you left. I shouldn't have let you leave." Jasper whispered pulling Charlotte close to him after he laid down next to her.

"I would have died anyways. Everyone would of."

"I wouldn't of been able to move on if you never came back."

"But why? You could have found someone better, started with a clean slate. You could of found someone prettier, taller, someone who understood your way of life. Someone who answers your questions instead of giving you shit ones. You could have started new."

"Because I wouldn't want anyone else. I would only want you. You Charlotte. No one else would of compared to you. You're a star that shines so bright and fiercely everyone has to turn and look at you. You outshine everyone you stand by with out even knowing it. I love how small you are compared to me, I love you have to stand on your toes every time we hug or kiss. I love the way you don't answer my questions because you make me think. I wouldn't want someone who knew how I live because that's boring. I would give up everything for you Charlotte. I would have been destroyed if you didn't make it back. I am absolutely and completely in love with you so much I can't think straight half the time I'm with you. You're the kind of girl people read about in books. If you would have died our book who have ended because I would of died too." Jasper reached up to wipe tears from Charlotte's cheeks.

Charlotte thrust her body forward sending Jasper sideways onto his back. She landed on top of him, tangling his blonde hair with her thin fingers. She looked into his eyes intensely for a few seconds, then slamming her lips into his. Jasper laid in shock for a minute at Charlotte's sudden aggressiveness but kissed her back once it faded. One of his hands rested on her hip the other on her back pocket which he hadn't noticed on her jumpsuit.

Jasper let out an embarrassing loud moan when Charlotte tugged on his hair. Charlotte chuckled at him pulling harder the next time. Jasper growled not liking his mate teasing him so much so for retaliation he roughly squeezed Charlotte's ass cheek that his hand was rest in on. Surprised at Jasper's actions Charlotte gasped into the kiss which for the most part her and Jasper had been fighting for dominance. Jasper took the opportunity to slip his tongue into Charlotte's mouth winning the dominance battle. To make his point clear he flipped him and the small faerie over so he was hovering over her body. His hands trailed down her legs appreciating the tight clothes Charlotte was wearing.

Jasper pinned her lower half down with his hips leaving his hands to roam up Charlotte's side at an achingly slow pace. He trailed open mouth kisses from Charlotte's mouth to her neck then down to her collarbone. Charlotte squirmed under Jasper trying to stop the small moans coming from her mouth when he squeezed her breasts with his hands; kneading and rubbing them in a way that made Charlotte crazy. She subconsciously ground her hips against Jasper's creating a friction that demanded to be felt. Jasper almost completely fell in top of her when she did that.

"Jasper. Please." Charlotte whimpered under him pulling him down father.


"I'm sorry if I say, I need you. But I don't care, I'm not scared of love. Cuz when I'm not with you I'm weaker. Is that so wrong? Is it so wrong that you make me strong?" Charlotte whispered tracing patterns on Jasper's bare chest. Sometime during the night she realized that everything she's been doing the past eight hundred years have been out of fear. Because to love is to destroy and to be the one loved is to be destroyed. But that's bot true for her anymore. Because Jasper was her new dream, he was her future and that's all that mattered.

"I'll always be here for you. I don't care what kind of demons have haunted you for most of your life, I'll battle them with you." Jasper too was tracing patterns over Charlotte's skin, but the patterns were the runes that littered her body. "You wanna tell me where this new one came from?" He cheekily traced over one that appeared on the left side of her chest sometime during the night.

Charlotte glanced down bewildered because she didn't even notice it. She laughed softly grinning at Jasper. "The lover rune. Extremely rare, you only get it when you find your life long mate. I guess it means once you realize you want to be with them forever you get it over where your heart would be."

"So I get to put up with your sass for eternity?" Jasper grinned after he processed what she meant. She wanted to be with him forever.

"Hmm. I would view getting sassed by me a privilege more than having to put up with it." Charlotte pursed her lips thinking.

"Does that mean one is going to show up on me?" Jasper looked down at his chest seeing no black rune.

"No, won't get one. That's like trying to paint on fire with watercolor."

"Well if it's lifelong I guess you're stuck with me." Jasper grinned pulling Charlotte closer to him by her waist.

"Somehow I think that'll be okay."

"I love you Lottie."


"Hmmm. Get use to it. If you can call me Jazz then I'm calling you Lottie."

"I love you too Jazz."






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