Chapter 15

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The sirens didn't sound like normal sirens at all, they sounded like high pitched wails from a screaming child. So high in frequency it gave you a headache from hearing them for an extended amount of time. The fields were in chaos by the time Charlotte got to it. Faeries and pixies were battling each other in pandemonium, people everywhere, nothing like the last war Charlotte was in.

There were no sides, no lines of people advancing forward to meet their opponent in the middle. The fey warriors stayed in the ground while the pixie warriors flitted around in the air. Some screaming in agony as they were snatched from the air by faeries, their wings being torn from their bodies. Pixie folk looked nothing like faeries did, significantly shorter but their bodies were shaped oddly. More of a feline build, with skin that looked like waxy. Their eyes were black, completely void of anything.

Charlotte surged forward into the heart of the melee, throwing fireballs into the air. If it helped she didn't know, there were so many pixies. They didn't have to worry about leaving people behind to raise their young. They didn't raise them at all, the moment they are born they cause destruction. They can't be taught, the fey have tried and failed.

Charlotte turned and ran to a tree hoping to climb it for a better vantage point. A large willow tree, bare of its leaves and flowers sat in the edge of the meadow. The branches twisted and turned in every direction, perfect for quick climbing. From the top Charlotte could see everything in the meadow. The fight below, the Council building, the lake, everything. Charlotte shot more fire at pixies knocking them to the ground, watching the savage fey below tear them apart. Even getting bored with fire Charlotte turned to throwing water balls at them drowning them mid flight.

A lone figure caught Charlotte's eye. They slipped into the Council building followed by no one. Charlotte launched herself out of the tree flipping to the ground. She took off running to the Greek style building determined to find out who that is. The building is suppose to be empty, the council evacuated too old and not experienced to fight. Charlotte herself had never been in the building before, she had just heard about it.

The building was completely stone on the inside, five thrones arranged in a semi-circle in the middle. Behind them a fountain sculpted like a waterfall filled the room with the sound of running water. On the opposite side of the room stood the Dragonash tree. Just like she was taught the tree was the color of ash but scaled like dragon hide. Standing next to the tree with a spout tubing sap into a gun looking object was a faerie.

Completely white hair, like clouds, threw her earthy brown skin off. She wore a dress made of grass that stopped mid thigh. "Well it looks like I'm not sneaky as I thought." The woman lifted her eyes to meet Charlotte's. They were blue, like the sky clear of clouds.

"Terrae." Charlotte sounded unenthusiastic, like she was giving an obvious answer in class.

"Hurricane Faerie." Terrae sneered.

"Typhoon actually." Charlotte hissed flexing her fingers. A fireball cupped in her hand, ready to be thrown.

Terrae tsked shaking her head. "Silly girl. I am not so easily destroyed like the pixies out there getting slaughtered."

"What could you possibly want the sap for?" Charlotte tried distracting her from the task at hand.

Terrae pointed the gun at Charlotte. "In here there is enough sap to kill you. One shot from this gun and you're dead. I'm going to test it on you."

"If you're going to kill me what's the harm of telling me first?"

"Ugh. Fine. You probably weren't around for the Great War. Which explains your annoying curiosity. I am the rightful ruler of the fey. I deserve to make the laws. I hate the human world, I want to forbid our kind mingling with theirs. They are worthless, the humans. So are the other supernatural, they hinder our peace. They steal our wings, try and make us do magic for them. The humans are worse than they are! I tried to tell this to the Council but they wouldn't listen. They mocked me, threw me out. I have been waiting for a long time to finally be able to wipe out every fey who opposes me. I have figured out a way to do it too. If I release enough sap into the air, then I can kill every faerie in this realm. In the human one too. Then I can start over with the entire race. I can teach the feylings myself when they are born, we can live in peace here. But all this," Terrae gestured around her, "needs to go. Starting with you." She raised the gun once more at Charlotte.

Charlotte brought her hand up, the fire blazing in her hand. Terrae laughed at Charlotte who looked ridiculous. "Haven't you heard that saying in the mortal world? Never bring a knife to a gun fight?" Terrae cackled.

"Haven't you learned basic science? Trees burn; burn with it bitch." Charlotte threw the fire at the tree. A searing pain went through her shoulder but she was too entranced but the tree that was engulfed in flames. Charlotte collapsed to the ground finally feeling the pain in her shoulder.

"You bitch! What have you done! You ruined everything I worked for!" Terrae screamed. She through the empty gun on the ground. "You can die with the tree." Terrae strode across the room stepping over Charlotte body. The doors flew open, faerie spilling into the room grabbing Terrae before she could get away.

"Charlotte!" Voices screamed. There were so many Charlotte couldn't make out what they were saying.

"There's nothing you can do. She'll die before the sun sets tomorrow evening." Terrae spat. Her head was jerked back, and a cloth was stuffed inside of it.

"Make me a portal." Charlotte whispered. "I have a deal to fulfill." Whoever was holding her hand let go creating a portal on the floor next to Charlotte so she could roll into it.

"Where do you want to go?" A male voice asked.

"Home." Charlotte whispered, thrusting her body into the void next to her.

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