The Deciding Factor

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They say when a person is in love, they would do anything for the other.

Nothing else in the world matters, except for that one person.

You would die for them.

This scares me.

Could I ever care about someone this much again after what has happened to me?

I want to, but my subconscious is stubborn. Not willing to risk any more pain. Not willing to add to the scars engraved into my mind.

I would have to overthrow the walls that have been built for my own want.

I know I need to let go, but I don't know how.

The past is in the past they say.

And I reply "then why is it I see it everywhere I go?"

Classic PTSD.

Leave me, please.

I want to live like people around me.


So even with all of this, am I willing to risk it for love? To be happy.

I am.

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