Am I Loosing You?

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I fear that the passionate love you once had for me is fading.
No longer do you text me poems before I go to sleep or text me just because you miss me.

When I text you, you take so long to answer that I wonder weather I'm as important to you as you are to me.

I'm afraid that my worst fear, the thing I dreaded most about going into another relationship will come true.

I didn't want to be vulnerable,
Because your vulnerability will be the death of you.

I am now vulnerable to heartbreak now that I have let myself fall for you. I have let my soul become naked and open to you, and now you can do as you please. Especially now that I am so in love with you, that if you hurt me then I would let you, because I can't see my life without you.
You promised me you would never hurt me, and I know that I could just be overthinking your lack of words to me, but I have seen this pattern before. And I'm afraid that you will break that promise weather you mean to or not.

Am I no longer appealing to you as I once was?
Have I given too much of myself? That now you only see my body and not my soul that once captured your attention?

Please don't abandon me.

Please don't leave me.

I try to not be clingy, and I don't believe I am.
But what I do believe is that I am putting more into the relationship than you are.

I want you to meet me halfway but I'm worried that the fear I have of loosing you is blinding me so I can't see you or how to not loose you. If that makes sense.

All I know is I can't loose you.
But if I do,
just promise you'll remember me.

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