Screams Of The Hurting

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Screaming echoes through the hallways, ricocheting throughout the walls.

Fighting is what I hear. Constant fighting everywhere I go.

Is there a place out there in the world I can ever escape the war that resignates in our world and in my home?

Is there a place that is quiet and peaceful away from the noise and destruction of humanity? The war, the death, the hate.

If there is, I'm going to find it.

And then I can finally be free from this torment that follows me.

Never can I feel safe or comfortable in my own home, always afraid of wakening the monsters.

Afraid of what will happen next.

When you are adopted everything is supposed to be better.

But nothing is better about this life other than him.

I would choose to stay here all to stay with him, but if I ever lost him I would leave forever.

Not having anything that holds me rooted to this hell.

He is the light in my life, and I'm afraid that the war in my home will swallow him whole.

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