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When I lie down to sleep.
Every corpse I have buried in the pits of my mind, are uncovered.
Due to the darkness, and stillness around me, I am taunted every night when I try to sleep, by the whispers and shadows of my past.
I, Sarah am nothing but a vacant space and memory to who I once was.
Nothing but a machine working and going through the motions, but not able to feel the wind on my face.

When I lie down to sleep, I cannot feel happy or sad or empathetic.
I only feel the hot tears slipping down my cheeks, and the emptiness within.

How do we know, that depression is a disorder?

How do we know that society hasn't just plastered an out of order sign on those who have really just seen through the lies and are no more deceived.
When In reality, the 'depressed' are really just seeing life for what it truly is.

We are no longer asleep, but awakened to the reality of this world.

That no one is coming to save us in the end.

That we will all eventually, be alone.

That life, time and matter are just illusions to the vast space that will eventually consume everything we have ever known.

Everything you love and know will someday be gone.

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