Chapter 2

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She was awaken by the rays of the sun seeping from the edges of the curtains.

She furrowed her brows then scratched her head in an annoyed manner and let out a "tsk".

She slowly opened her hazel brown eyes and stared at the ceiling for a moment.

Wearing her favorite jogging attire: black leggings and her blue sports bra, she decided to start the day with an exercise. After tying her shoe laces, she turned on her music, put her earphones and tied her wavy dark brown hair into a ponytail.

She took her usual route which leads to the forest then stopped by to look at the peaceful view of the lake and inhaled the fresh air.

This is what she needed. A time to relax and meditate.

There were a few benches placed under the tree facing the lake and she sat on one of them stretching her arms and legs.

"Good morning!",she smiled as she greets an old couple walking by the lake.

The couple greeted her back and smiled warmly. She looked at them as they walk hand in hand, the husband wiping his wife's forehead and in return the wife kissed her husband's cheeks.

The old couple looked so adorable. I wonder if i'd experience that when i am old....she thought to herself....

"Nah, that's impossible...",she shook her head and laughed.

She used to have someone she loved back then. Someone she made a promise to stay until they grow old together. Once in her life, she met someone whom she loved and cared for. She gave everything, she fought for him. But one thing she forgot to do is to ask if he really want her. And now, remembering those days made her feel like an idiot; making promises when she knows nothing lasts forever...people come and go...people change, love fades..and that's reality. She's too silly thinking they'll last long. Well, that was supposed to happen not until her friend Jenny came to take away everything that belongs to her. She took away her image of a good student when she made up stories that Monique hooked up with somebody selling her virginity. She almost got expelled by fighting her rights to defend herself...well, who was she joking with? Jenny was a daughter of a millionaire who owns the leading Pharmaceutical company in their country and her? She was just a daughter of an elementary teacher and an engineer, they owned nothing but a simple house. She had never thought Jenny would do such a thing to her, she was kind to her and treated her as her own sister. Just then she thought everything was going to go back the way it was before, news spread about Jenny and Adriane about being in a relationship. In that moment, her whole world shattered...Adriane, her supposed to be boyfriend became Jenny's. Adriane who promised to stay by her side, who promised to make her happy left her and became Jenny's boyfriend. What did she ever do to deserve such cruelty? She couldn't understand why the world seemed to hate her. And from that moment she decided that it's much better to be alone than be in a relationship which will only provide temporary happiness. She was better off alone. Promises were lies...they were never meant to be kept...they always gets broken.


9:15 pm.

"Thank you. Come again",the cashier smiled as she reached out her change.

She happily went out of the mini mart not far from her house bringing along with her some cup noodles, chocolates, cookies and coffee.

She paused for a moment feeling uneasy...There goes that broken street light again...she said to herself as she hasten her pace while passing by the broken street light making glitches.

"Heyyy!",she yelled when 3 men wearing all black attire bumped into her.

The men didn't seem to bother and continued running until they were out of sight.

"What's with these people...",she mumbled rubbing her arm which got hit and fixed her clothes then continued to walk while humming.


"What the---",her mouth agape looking at the horrible sight in front of her.

An old man who seemed to be in his 40's was lying helplessly on the ground. He was covered with bruises and cuts makig him bathe in his own blood. His clothes which seems to be a tuxedo looked like a piece of rag being torn apart.

She stared down at the man in incredulity battling against her mind whether she must help him or not.

This is dangerous, what if the police will arrive and caught her with his blood on his hand? What if they'll blame her? But what if he'll die and she did nothing? But she deeply knew that she vowed to help save lives at all cost...

So, her doctor's instinct won and she was kneeling down feeling the man's pulse with her index and middle finger.

Thank God he's still alive! But he is losing lots of blood...this is bad...

She pulled out her phone from the back pocket of her blue jeans. As she was about to press call for the hospital, the man suddenly moved and grabbed her wrist which was holding the cellphone.

With all his might the man said,"noo...not....ttthee hosspittaal..."

"But---",she insisted but he cut her.

"..pleasssseee...",he winced in pain as he tried to tighten his grip from her.


"Okay hang on....",she place the man on the couch and hurriedly went to get the first aid kit.

She cleaned him first getting rid of the blood that he's been soaked with then starts to disinfect the wounds.

"Look, we don't have complete tools around here not even a gooddam anesthesia...",she paused looking at the man whose face was bruised. "I'll have to stitch these cuts or else it'll get infected, okay?",the man gently nodded.


She was awaken by the soft breeze coming from her window followed by the warm rays of the sun.

"Shit that hurts!",she exclaimed as she moved her arm which she leaned on the table while doing manual blood transfusion last night. After recovering from pain, she realized she fell asleep sitting on the floor while half of her body was leaning on the glass table facing the light green couch.

She noticed that the arm she used for manual blood transfusion was now healed, there was no needle mark...strange...she was sure this was the arm she used and that she had blood transfusion last night! She stared at it for a while before coming back to her senses.

She looked around and saw that the couch was empty and clean!

The first aid kit was there, here were bandages, cottons both clean and some with blood---everything was there except for the man she treated last night.

"Strange...I always lock the windows...",she looked around the house and realized that her patient was nowhere to be found!

She was starting to panic. She brought a stranger into her house and treated him but now he was gone. Where could he be? Was he the one who opened the window? Who is he really? What if he is a bad guy?

Suddenly, her eyes caught a small post it note under the flower vase on the table where she slept.

To Dr. Dawson,
Thank you for helping me. Now, I owe you my life. I am forever in debt to you. Rest assured your kindness will be paid soon...
Yours truly,

Mr. D. Lowell

I am terribly sorry that I had to leave.

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