Chapter 38

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Loisa stood dumbstruck as she stare at the charming redhead who was standing at the entrance.

"Well look at you",the man grinned then walked towards her ignoring the hungry roars of the newly turned bloodthirsty vampires.

She blinked twice then realized who this person was. "what on Earth are you doing here?"

"Isn't this what they call rescuing the damsel in distress?",he gave her his charming smile which could make all girls heart to melt in an instant.

"Sorry, not that damsel and surely not in distress",she rolled her eyes putting her other hand on her injured shoulder which was still bleeding trying to stop her expression of pain.

Seizing the opportunity, a very young newly turned vampire dashed towards Loisa but the redhead's senses were fast and he pulled Loisa behind him leaning his right hand on the direction where the fast speeding vampire was heading to.

The vampire who dashed at full speed didn't even noticed the guy's hand due to his focus on Loisa and so it landed on the redhead's hand which tightly gripped his throat breaking his bones into pieces until the guy squeezed tighter and the vampire's neck broke then his whole body turned red as he squeeled in pain. "HOOOTTT!!! TOO HOOOTT!!!",and finally it turned to ashes.

There were screeches coming from the other door and another group of newly turned vampires came in staring hungrily at the two who were standing in the middle.

"Don't you guys ever learn.",the redhead said sounding annoyed.

"hey redhead. They're too dumb to understand",Loisa interrupted him.

He looked at her then smirked. "Loki."

She stared blankly at him trying to absorb what he just said.

"Loki. Not redhead.",then flicked her forehead and before she could retaliate, he embraced her tightly.

"Hey!",she protested.

"You're so stubborn",he smiled. "Now stay still and close your eyes.",his voice was now serious. His aura was terrifying and it sent chills on her whole body. She just obeyed and closed her eyes as she gulped hard.

He was indeed a mystery to her. He is not someone you could easily offend. He is not the weak type. He might be easy going but she knows that there's more to him...something that could make anyone's knees tremble in fear. Who is this guy?

"Listen, you filthy creatures",he spoke in a voice full of authority which echoed in the entire hall. His tone changed from the sweet but annoying one to a very loud booming king-like voice. It was too deep and scary. "It's time to extinguish you, once and for all.",he paused and looked at every single vampire who were drooling eager to drink blood. Of course, newly turned vampires are really hungry vampires. "Because of you, we are almost having newly registered soul every minute, every day and the waiting area is almost full...damn!" he said massaging his temples. "You are giving me a hard know",he said through gritted teeth and his embrace tightened. "Now, witness, as I bring you, level one hell."

After saying those words, the ground shook, all the doors were blocked by falling debris which made the hall unescapable. The marble floor cracked along with the bursting out of lavas which immediately flooded the entire hall. Everything was burning. There was no way to run. All newly turned vampires screamed when they got hit by the lava and those who were able to climb on the stairs watch in terror. Those who were caught by the lava were stuck on the ground as the lava climbed up on their bodies, burning their flesh making them scream but the pain didn't end there. They didn't die even though their flesh was burned, their bodies remained in torment feeling the burning sensation no matter how much they beg for him to end their lives.

He looked up at those who climbed the stairs then smirked. "I suggest you go down here and bathe than stay up there",he said still plastering his hideous wicked smile. "No?",he said raising his brow while frowning. "too bad."

The room temperature rose even more. Everything in the hall which the lava did not reach were too hot to touch. The walls turned bright red and so as the stairs. The chandelier exploded due to the extreme heat and the glass rained down the entire hall leaving Loki and Loisa unharmed.

The vampires who were standing on the stairs were in pain as the glass pierced through their eyes and body accompanied by the heat emitted by the surroundings. It felt like they were placed inside a burning furnace melting their entire body with the unbearable heat making them kneel on the ground with their hands touching every corners of their body hoping to ease the pain but it was of no use. They scratched their faces till their eyeballs bulged out tearing their skin from head to toe.

The screams sounded like a harmonious melody to his ears. Surely he was used to it and making souls suffer was what he was good at. He wouldn't be called a prince for nothing right? And this is just one of his specialties, there's still more actually and they're pretty devastating.

He closed his eyes and smiled as he listened to their screams with his index fingers making a beat as if he was a conductor in an orchestra.

Meanwhile, Loisa tightly shut her eyes afraid to see what this guy had done. She was sure she couldn't bear to see what is happening judging from the multiple screams of pain and begging echoing the huge hall. Everything sounded and felt like she was in hell but it was not hot at all (Loki made a shield protecting her from the heat that's why).

"Red...i mean Loki...",she called out softly though her voice was shaky and weak.

Loki almost forgot the beauty he was embracing and protecting. He was enjoying the moment of torture and was almost lost in thought. He looked down at her who was so obedient shutting her eyes as tightly as she could. She was so adorable. Embracing her gave him a sense of comfort and it helped him control his raging power which most of the time ends up destroying everything but with her on his arms, he was able to control his powers and it amazed him.

"Loki",ahh, hearing her call out his name made his heart jump in joy. It sounds so pleasant. It's been so long since he heard his name being called out softly and sweetly.

"hmmm",it was all he could say as he smiled looking at her.

"can I open my eyes now?",she spoke.

Seeing her facial expression calming down, he slowly loosened his embrace (which he doesn't really want to do but he has to and damn why would he listen to was confusing). "Wait a minute, let me clear things out",he said and with a snap of his fingers, the lava disappeared along with the heat and everything went back into place.

"You can open them now",he said feeling proud of what he had done.

She slowly opened her eyes and was surprised to see a very clean hall without a single trace of a fight or any bloodthirsty vampires...they were gone.

"what the hell", was all she could say.

"yep. There was hell",he smiled and messed up her hair then pinched her cheek.

The Doctor Meets the Vampire [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now