Chapter 22

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"Looks like I'm late",Odnam appeared and smiled viciously at the two vampires who had just reconciled. "Sorry 'bout that. I just ran from those two servants back there. They were quite difficult to kill you know",he smirked combing his hair.

Leo immediately stood up and was in a stance to attack while Tyron was still sitting on the floor with eyes closed.

"So...",he walked towards them slowly with a hand inside the pocket of his jeans. "Guessing from what he looks like, you already told him...did you? Leo?",he continued walking still showing his annoying smirk then came to a halt leaving a small distance between him and Tyron while Leo stepped back a little.

"You really are something aren't you Odnam?",Leo growled as he stared at him his fangs elongating.

"And you guys are nothing but a shame to the vampire race!",he said then spits on the floor showing disgust at Leo.

"You killed my sister you asshole!",he spat back trying hard to control himself from attacking Odnam which he knew was a bad move and would cause death to himself.

"Oh?",Odnam raised a brow. "Was it me?",he then looked at Tyron who remained silent and still eyes closed. "It's not me. It's him.",he sneered.

"You made him kill her! You monster!",Leo yelled clenching his fist tightly causing them to become white.

"Aren't we monsters Leo? We are all monsters! We kill because it's what we are! That's our nature!",he smiled haughtily, his eyes showed intense excitement as he spoke those words.

"",Leo spoke with anger.

"Yeah .yeah. you guys are weak. Who needs weak vampires like you when we can have stronger ones. You are just like your king...weak....pathetic! That is why we need only one King. A king strong enough to lead a powerful army! You and your puny king deserves to die!",he mocked.

Leo growled loudly and dashed towards Odnam striking him with his right hand but Odnam was skilled and fast. He caught his wrist, twisted his hand and swirled him around before throwing him towards the stairs breaking some railings, bones were cracking and blood was flowing.

He put his hands on his waist as he examined Leo who was lying on the stairs then looked back at Tyron which surprised him by greeting him with an upper cut which made Odnam fall to the floor with bleeding lips.

"What the fck..."he hissed as he fixed his dislocated jaw back to it's proper place licking the blood from his lips then tilting his neck a little to the right, clenching his jaw so hard that one may think that his teeth would soon crack.

Tyron was fuming with anger. His nostrils were flaring, his breathing was getting faster and his hair disheveled.

"Tyron, tyron, tyron...",he called out pretending he was pleased seeing him. "You looked..",he paused scrutinizing him. " shit",he smirked as he lunged towards him sending a punch right into his stomach flipping him high enough for him to use his left leg kicking him down to the floor with full strenght making a crack on the floor as soon as Tyron made an impact.

Tyron coughed as he spits blood as he tried to get up from Odnam's powerful blow. Now he know why their King had chosen him as his right hand -- his most trusted warrior. He was indeed very strong.

He looked towards the direction where Odnam was but he was nowhere to be found.

"Boo!",Odnam appeared behind him blowing his ear and as soon as Tyrone was about to look back at him, Odnam kicked his back causing his spine to break pushing his face to the floor.

Odnam slowly walked towards Tyrone. He crouched grabbing Tyrone's hair forcing Tyrone to face him. He spits at his bloody face then made his signature annoying smirk. "You're as weak as shit. Just like that bitch!",he mocked. Tyrone just growled at him, his body was paralyzed. "Oh well, i guess you'll have a reunion with her. It's such an honor to send you to where she is right now.",he smiled.


Something was stabbed on Odnam's right side below the rib cage. He fell back on the floor, wincing in pain as he used both of his hands to pull the wooden stick which belonged to the railings of the stairs where Leo was thrown. He groaned as the wood was finally removed throwing it away.

"YOU WILL FCKING PAY FOR THIS!",he yelled furiously looking at the limping Leo who was helping Tyrone to stand. He was angry and decided to kill both of them but he stopped as soon as he got up and sniffed the air then smiled. "Oh well, I would love to continue this little game of ours but I have something else to do.", He immediately climbed the broken stairs. While he was halfway, he looked back at them, "don't worry, we're not done yet",he grinned and disappeared going upstairs with full speed.

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Hello! I'm terribly sorry for not being able to update it's all because right after Christmas I got a lil bit busy.

Anyways, Happy New Year and thanks for your support!

♥Spread the love😘

The Doctor Meets the Vampire [Completed]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя