Chapter 6

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The front door burst open and went flying towards the side of the couch then slammed down to the floor.

"Where is she?",a guy wearing a tight black shirt appeared. He was a big guy with a lot of muscles. He could be mistaken as a wrestler....a big wrestler who resembled Hulk without the green color. He tapped his combat boot on the floor. He was impatient as he looked around the living room staring at the two vampire who were stunned by the sudden intrusion.

"What are you doing here?",the guy who had the crow tattoo faced him with his hands balled into fists.

"Leo! What a surprise!",he act as if he was surprised then smirked. "As if.",he then looked at the other vampire who went closer to Leo (the one who came out from Monique's room). " Now, i don't want to have a fight with you guys...."he paused rubbing his temples, jaw clenched tightly. "So let's go to business shall we?"

This time Lucas let go of Monique and stepped out from the kitchen glaring at him.

"Oh what do we have here!",he looked amused as he studied Lucas from head to foot. "So your father personally sent you! So much for being father's lapdog, aren't you? Lucas.",he smirked as if he was winning in the situation which was shown clearly by Lucas' furious look. He was ready to pounce him as he readied himself to plunge towards the man. Luckily, Leo got a hold of him.

"Stay the fuck out of this Odnam!!!",Lucas growled looking furiously at Odnam."This is none of your fucking business!!!" He was struggling to get loose from Leo's deathgrip.

"Fck it Luke! You'll getting us into real shit!",he tightened his grip on Lucas' waist.

"Tsk. Tsk. Tsk. Like son..."he taunted. "Anyways, now that you are personally here, my job is getting easier!",he crossed his arms on his chest and smiled viciously

"What do you want?",Argus asked while going towards Leo and Lucas.

"Since the girl is of no importance to me anymore, why not hand him over",he pointed at Lucas who was tightly held by Leo. "And all of this will be over. No bloody fight and no death. How 'bout that?",he leaned his body on the door.

"How about I kill you right now?",Lucas challenged glaring at Odnam who was wearing a mocking smile.

Odnam started to crack his knuckles, jaw tightly clenched and muscles hardened. "I'm making it easier for you boy." He then twisted his neck from left to right. "I guess you leave me no choice"

In a blink of an eye, Odnam rushed towards Leo and shoved him aside causing him to hit the wall. He smirked looking at Lucas who was in a stance to fight. "With your death, your father would surely surrender to us".

Pak! Thud!

Argus kicked Odnam hitting his rib cage as he staggered to his feet.

"Run!",he screamed at Lucas who was dumbstruck and then blinked staring at Argus.

"Dammit Luke! Move your ass!",he blocked Odnam's punch causing him to step backwards. Both of them growled showing their sharp fangs.

Lucas immediately ran towards the broken window then stopped and looked back.

Poor Monique. She was lying on the floor. Tears flowing as she crouched and covered her ears with both hands. She was shaking in terror.

"Fck this!",he strode towards her gripping her wrist tightly then carried her bridal style as they jumped out from the window.

"T-this iss n-not hap-pp-pening",her breathing was unstable, her heart was beating rapidly.

There were noise inside the house. Glass shattering, sound of woods cracking and growling.

The Doctor Meets the Vampire [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now