Chapter 31

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The human world was not that bad afterall, it wasn't difficult to blend in since it was almost the same as their world. They had buildings too, malls, cafés and other establishments, the only difference is that their place was always red due to the fire surrounding the whole place and that the people there were not people but demons.

At first he hesitated to follow Yasha's order but because of his father's stupidity, he had no choice but to come to this world and do what he is told.

He looked around hoping to find any clue which could lead him to his mission.


Closes eyes and feels the surrounding...

"you fckn bastard!",a woman shouted from afar catching up with a man wearing a green bonnet with a cover on his face.

"come back here! Thief! Thief!",she continued.

The woman chased the thief as they went towards an alley.

"poor creature. If he only knows the place he will be heading to when he dies.",he scoffed.

"My baaaag!!!",the woman shrieked when she wasn't able to catch up with the thief.

The thief happily ran through the alleys looking at the bag he had snatched.

"what a lucky day---",he was suddenly thrown to the ground.

He groaned as he tried to stand but he failed. He looked down to his left leg and panicked when he saw blood oozing out to the ground.

"aaarrggghhh....shit...shit....",he hit the ground with his hand cursing to whoever had done it. "fucker!!! Come out you coward!",he screamed with pain and anger.

An empty can of cola rolled from the dark part of the alley. It continue rolling until it came out from the darkness and hit the man's foot.

He gulped hard anticipating whoever might come out from the dark. Sweat was flowing from his head and trickled down his jaw.

Footsteps were heard from the dark alley. It was slowly coming towards him. He tried to crawl as fast as he can but everytime he crawls, his leg hurts even more. "fkkk....fckkk...stupid...fckk..",he looked back and his eyes widened when he saw a figure forming coming out of the darkness.



The sound of his heart beating was so loud that it almost made him deaf as he stared at the figure.

"what a lucky day",the figure imitated what he just said earlier but it sounded more feminine.

"come out you coward! Show your self!",he challenged.

"trying to be brave eh?",she smirked looking at the thief with disgust.

"huh? Just a girl?",he seemed disappointed but still took caution of what might actually happen. His hand crept slowly towards his right side on his waist where he kept his pocket knife.

"a shot on the leg",she said holding a silencer gun on her left hand. The woman cleaned her glasses by blowing on it then wiped it on her plain navy blue shirt and put it back. "and look at you, you sound like a baby",she added as she stooped down eximing the wound on his leg. "not deep enough though",she said pinching the wound with the gun.

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